8 Dates Marriage Program begins Thursday, October 13th

The Greek Orthodox Metropolis of San Francisco Family Wellness Ministry and the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministries invites all married / engaged couples to participate in the upcoming Eight Dates Marriage program. This powerful relationship series presented for the third time is based on the book Eight Dates by Drs. John and Julie Gottman.

The Greek Orthodox Metropolis of San Francisco Family Wellness Ministry and the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministries invites all married / engaged couples to participate in the upcoming Eight Dates Marriage program. This powerful relationship series presented for the third time is based on the book Eight Dates by Drs. John and Julie Gottman. Topics addressed including Conflict; Work and Money, Intimacy, Family, Spirituality, and much more. Any couple who wants to improve their communication and connection can benefit from this lively and evidence based program. Please register by October 8th as sessions begin Thursday,  October 13th at 6:30 pm. Don’t miss this amazing program!

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Ascension Choir Fr. Nick Mueller Ascension Choir Fr. Nick Mueller

"Project Praise the Lord!" - Liturgical Music Practice for our Youth

Dear Ascension Parents,

I am writing to introduce myself to some who may not have met me, I'm Laura, the Director of Music at Ascension.

Last Sunday it was my pleasure to work with the third through 8th-grade students to begin learning the basics of singing and an anthem called "Praise the Lord” in the final 10 minutes of classes that day. So much enthusiasm in this group, and, you'll be pleased to know-much more than a joyful "noise"!

"Make a joyful noise unto the Lord..."

Psalm 100

Dear Ascension Parents,

I am writing to introduce myself to some who may not have met me, I'm Laura, the Director of Music at Ascension.

Last Sunday it was my pleasure to work with the third through 8th-grade students to begin learning the basics of singing and an anthem called "Praise the Lord” in the final 10 minutes of classes that day. So much enthusiasm in this group, and, you'll be pleased to know-much more than a joyful "noise"!

The plan is to share this music in partnership with the choir in two weeks on Sunday, October 2, National Church Music Sunday as the hymn of preparation for communion. On this day we honor St. Romanos, the Melodist, and we remember those of blessed memory who have served as singers; our ministers of music.

As a part of this special day, it makes sense to pray for the future of music in our church, and to lift our spirits with these voices of hope, i.e. our children!

Here is the rehearsal & musical offering schedule for "Project Praise the Lord". We want to make it easy for you! I will be available on the next TWO Saturdays to work with students, some around basketball practices. Please note: We encourage your child to come to as many rehearsals as they are able, but don't stress! (While rehearsals are essential for growing in singing technique, this music may also be learned at home-see below).:

1. Saturday, September 24 - (Father Paris Hall)

10-10:20 AM (following girls' practice)

10:30-10:50 AM (before elementary school boys' practice)

11:00-11:20 AM (following middle school boys' practice)

2. Sunday, September 25 - Group excused during the liturgy to review the song with a choir member (or me)

3. Tuesday, September 27 - *Option to come to choir rehearsal for 1/2 hour from 7:15-7:45 PM

to sing this together as this is a partner song with the adult choir - Cathedral Loft (How cool is that?:-)

4. Saturday, October 1 - (Father Paris Hall)

10-10:20 AM (following girls' practice)

10:30-10:50 AM (before elementary school boys' practice)

11:00-11:20 AM (following middle school boys' practice)

*Come if you are able - a good opportunity to hear the whole piece from the choir loft. We promise fun and not too long!

In addition, please find the music score attached and an audio file for home review.

Again, please make whatever commitment is possible for your child at this time. Please reach out if you have questions.

We are excited to help our children develop this lifelong spiritual practice!

Yours in music,


Laura Kakis Serper

Ascension Cathedral of Oakland

Director of Choral Music

510-332-1108 (Text message best)

P.S. We will try our best to give several opportunities this year for those children who would like to serve in this way. From here, we may see about forming Ascension's Youth Choir with short-term tangible goals!

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Dance Ministy, Youth Ministry Fr. Nick Mueller Dance Ministy, Youth Ministry Fr. Nick Mueller

Family Movie Night - Friday, October 7th

Calling all families! Come and hang out with family and friends while supporting the Dance Ministry!

Join us on Friday, October 7th for a taco truck dinner (tacos, quesadillas, hot dogs) and to watch the movie Coco!

If you reserve your spot by October 1st the cost is $20 per person, children under 4 free. After October 1st, the price will be $25 per person. Snacks and treats for the movie will be sold separately.  

Bring a blanket, a chair, and come build community and make memories!

Click here to reserve your spot today!

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2022, 2023, Youth Ministry Fr. Nick Mueller 2022, 2023, Youth Ministry Fr. Nick Mueller

Youth Ministry Calendar 2022-2023

Please find included below our 2022 - 2023 Youth Ministry Calendar. Our families have continuously voiced the need to plan ahead in order to participate in the life of the Church and its ministries. Establishing a calendar at the beginning of the ministry year empowers our families to put their relationship with Christ and His Church first.

This calendar, as well as the range of ministry events it features, were developed over the past year in response to many named needs of our community. Ascension’s youth, parents and families told us about their needs and concerns – and we listened. In fact, as we engaged our youth they told us directly that they want opportunities to find out how they can “shine” and how they can lead in the Church. The events we have planned for this next year directly stem from those conversations. Join the conversation by completing our Youth Survey here.

Reverend Clergy, Honorable Parish Council Members & Beloved Parishioners,

“Where do you see yourselves in the Church in 5 years?”

Our oldest campers were asked this by our camp staff during their overnight camping trip at our Ascension Summer Camp this past month.

In turn, we must ask ourselves as a Church: what we are doing to help our youth positively answer this essential question, “Do you see a future for yourself with Christ and His Church?” Our hope should be not merely that they answer, “yes,” but that their curiosity and vision are ignited. Our responsibility is to empower our youth to discern who they are in Christ, develop as leaders, acquire new skills, and find their own unique way they will reflect the Light of Christ.

To this end, please find included below our 2022 - 2023 Youth Ministry Calendar. Our families have continuously voiced the need to plan ahead in order to participate in the life of the Church and its ministries. Establishing a calendar at the beginning of the ministry year empowers our families to put their relationship with Christ and His Church first.

This calendar, as well as the range of ministry events it features, were developed over the past year in response to many named needs of our community. Ascension’s youth, parents and families told us about their needs and concerns – and we listened. In fact, as we engaged our youth they told us directly that they want opportunities to find out how they can “shine” and how they can lead in the Church. The events we have planned for this next year directly stem from those conversations. Join the conversation by completing our Youth Survey here.

We are excited to see where we will be in 5 years! Save these dates today!

In Christ’s Service and yours,

Fr. Nick

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OCMC Fr. Nick Mueller OCMC Fr. Nick Mueller

Dan Christopulos, OCMC Development Director visiting Sunday, June 5

Daniel (Dan) Christopulos

Development Director, OCMC

            Dan is a native of Cheyenne, Wyoming and received a BS in Sociology from the University of Wyoming in 1979 where he was an All-Conference place kicker in football, played in the 1976 Fiesta Bowl, had professional try-outs with the Denver Broncos and Atlanta Falcons and recently inducted into the University of Wyoming Athletics Hall of Fame.

            After receiving his Master of Divinity from Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology in 1983, he participated in parish ministry for 15 years.  During that time he spent almost 3 years in the mission field in East Africa, as the first missionary priest sent overseas by the Greek Orthodox Mission Center which became a pan-Orthodox agency under the Standing Conference of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas (SCOBA) in 1993 and renamed the Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC). Subsequently he served in various communities in the United States as well as assisting to establish the Archdiocesan Office in Hong Kong in 1997. 

            He has also received a Masters Degree in Social Work and managed several federal grants in the health field.  Dan worked for International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) from 2001-2020 as Development Officer, Development Director, and the final eight years as US Country Representative. He served as the Vice Chairman of National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disasters (NVOAD) and President of the Minnesota Chapter of Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD).  Dan also serves as a volunteer Police Chaplain in Edina, Minnesota.

            Dan was appointed the Director of Development at OCMC in August 2020 and oversees all Fundraising and Communication staff and efforts at OCMC. Thirty-five years after being sent to Africa as the first missionary, he has now returned to OCMC to help engage others in the critical work of financially supporting the efforts of the Mission Center to make disciples of all nations by bringing people to Christ and His Church.

            Dan has taught at the high school, junior college and University level, as well as being a consultant for governmental and non-governmental organizations.  He and his wife Patty reside in Minneapolis, Minnesota where she manages Light and Life Publishing Company.

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2022, Scholarships, Youth Ministry Fr. Nick Mueller 2022, Scholarships, Youth Ministry Fr. Nick Mueller

Ascension Scholarships 2022

We are excited to announce the opening of applications for scholarships for those going on to further study or continuing their studies in higher education! All scholarships applications should be completed and submitted to the Ascension Cathedral Office no later than June 15th, 2022.

Ascension Community,

Christ is risen!

We are excited to announce the opening of applications for scholarships for those going on to further study or continuing their studies in higher education! All scholarships applications should be completed and submitted to the Ascension Cathedral Office no later than June 15th, 2022.

The following scholarships are now open for applications:

If you have any questions regarding the scholarship process please contact our Scholarship Committee via email at ascensionscholarships@gmail.com. We wish you all God’s blessings as you continue your studies, and look forward to all that you will accomplish to His glory!

In Christ,

Fr. Tom, Fr. Nick & The Scholarship Committee

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2022, Summer Camp Fr. Nick Mueller 2022, Summer Camp Fr. Nick Mueller

Summer Camp Registration Open!

Ascension Summer Camp is at the beautiful YMCA Camp Ravencliff in Redway, CA. All campers (ages 8 – 17) are invited to join us for an exciting week full of activities, fun and building Life-long friendships through Christ. Activities include art and crafts, swimming, athletics, archery, canoeing, hiking, inner-tubing, and much much more!

Space is limited. Sign up today.

Ascension Summer Camp is BACK!


Dates for 2022: 6/11– 6/19

Ascension Summer Camp is at the beautiful YMCA Camp Ravencliff in Redway, CA. All campers (ages 8 – 17) are invited to join us for an exciting week full of activities, fun and building Life-long friendships through Christ. Activities include art and crafts, swimming, athletics, archery, canoeing, hiking, inner-tubing, and much much more!

Space is limited. Sign up today.


To register your child for camp, please visit our summer camp page at www.ascensioncathedral.com/summercamp.

Please review all COVID protocols and requirements on the summer camp page in detail.

Parents of new first time campers:

Are you nervous about sending your child to camp for the first time? Do you have questions about our program and how we handle day to day camp life? Please feel free to reach out to Camp Director Yanni Limnios. Additionally, please watch this wonderful video of camp created by one of our own campers who has been a counselor and staff at our program, Stavro Victor – Video

We will be having an informational meeting for new camper parents to answer any questions:

Thursday May 12 at 7pm

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 838 9348 6862

Passcode: 533031

If you are interested in hearing about our program, please contact Yanni Limnios at Limnios@gmail.com.

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2022, Holy Week, Holy Friday, Youth Ministry Fr. Nick Mueller 2022, Holy Week, Holy Friday, Youth Ministry Fr. Nick Mueller

Holy Friday Retreat 2022

All 1st - 8th Graders are invited to join our first annual Holy Friday Retreat on Friday, April 22nd from 10:30 AM - 1:30 PM at Ascension Cathedral.

We will offer three retreat sessions including:

  • Decorating a Paschal Candle and discussing the significance of the Light of Christ

  • Decorating a Kouvouklion

  • An Orthodox Life Session on the meaning of Christ's Sacrifice on the Cross

All 1st - 8th Graders are invited to join our first annual Holy Friday Retreat on Friday, April 22nd from 10:30 AM - 1:30 PM at Ascension Cathedral.

We will offer three retreat sessions including:

  • Decorating a Paschal Candle and discussing the significance of the Light of Christ

  • Decorating a Kouvouklion

  • An Orthodox Life Session on the meaning of Christ's Sacrifice on the Cross

A Lenten Lunch and snacks will be provided.

We wish you and your families a blessed Lenten journey and joyous Pascha!

Those in High School are invited to help facilitate sessions. Contact our team for more information!

In Christ,

Fr. Nick Mueller, Maria Woods, Sia Yfantis and Julia Pappas

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Greek Festival, 2022 Fr. Nick Mueller Greek Festival, 2022 Fr. Nick Mueller

Oakland Greek Festival 2022

As we celebrate the Feast of the Annunciation of the Theotokos and Greece's Independence Day today, we have even more to celebrate.... After a two year break we are excited to announce The Oakland Greek Festival is back! The 2022 Oakland Greek Festival is officially on for May 20, 21 & 22! The festival committee met several times recently as COVID restrictions have lifted and have determined we can and will have a festival!

After a two year break we are excited to announce The Oakland Greek Festival is back! The 2022 Oakland Greek Festival is officially on for May 20, 21 & 22! We look forward to celebrating our comeback and sharing our culture with our community and neighbors! Stay tuned for more information.

~2022 Oakland Greek Festival Committee

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Philoptochos, Ukraine Fr. Nick Mueller Philoptochos, Ukraine Fr. Nick Mueller

Offer Relief and Support for Ukraine

Offer relief and support to Ukraine through the Archdiocesan coordinated relief fund, preparing International Orthodox Christian Charities Relief Kits, and through prayer for a quick cessation of the hostilities in Ukraine.

On-going through Friday, April 15th

International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) Relief Kits for Ukraine Organized by our Ascension Philoptochos

Purchase all kit items, except hand towels and towels, and drop your completed kits at our Church Office or in the Narthex on Sundays. Donations can be made toward the bulk purchase of hand towels and towels through our Ascension Philoptochos Venmo: @ascension-philotochos.

On Friday, April 15th, when we gather to fold palms for Palm Sunday we will also prepare to ship the donated kits to IOCC so that they can be disbursed as needed in Ukraine.

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2022, Youth Ministry Fr. Nick Mueller 2022, Youth Ministry Fr. Nick Mueller

Youth Ministries Events for Spring and Summer 2022

As we begin our Lenten Journey together as a family, as Fr. Costa Efstathiou so beautifully reminded us in his Forgiveness Vespers sermon, please note the following dates as opportunities for fellowship and spiritual growth. If you would like to assist with any of the following, please contact Fr. Nick. Many of our youth ministries are returning this month including our Basketball Ministry with its usual practices on Saturday mornings and Dance Ministry, as well.

Beloved Ascension Community,

Kali sarakosti! We wish you a blessed and spiritually fulfilling Great Lent!

As we begin our Lenten Journey together as a family, as Fr. Costa Efstathiou so beautifully reminded us in his Forgiveness Vespers sermon, please note the following dates as opportunities for fellowship and spiritual growth. If you would like to assist with any of the following, please contact Fr. Nick. Many of our youth ministries are returning this month including our Basketball Ministry with its usual practices on Saturday mornings and Dance Ministry, as well.

If you are a graduating High School senior and need to complete service hours for graduation, contact Fr. Nick to learn more about how you can assist with these upcoming events to complete service hours.

More information will be forthcoming about each event.

On-going through Friday, April 15th

International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) Relief Kits for Ukraine Organized by our Ascension Philoptochos

Purchase all kit items, except hand towels and towels, and drop your completed kits at our Church Office or in the Narthex on Sundays. Donations can be made toward the bulk purchase of hand towels and towels through our Ascension Philoptochos Venmo: @ascension-philotochos.

Saturday, March 26th - Family Fun Day

  • 2 - 4 PM - HOPE & JOY Games, Snacks and group activity at Ascension on the Platia & in Gym

  • 4 - 5 PM - Dinner

  • 5 - 8 PM JR. GOYA and SR. GOYA Games, Snacks and group activity on the Platia & in the Gym

Sunday, April 3rd - Parish St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival

Friday, April 8th Becoming an Altar Boy 

  • 5 PM - 6:30 PM Dinner and mini-retreat about how to serve in the altar.

  • All boys ages 8 + welcome!

Friday, April 15th - Palm Folding and Potluck Dinner 

  • 5 PM - 8 PM - Join us for a fun family evening, open to our whole community, folding palms in preparation for Palm Sunday. Bring a lenten dish for the potluck!

  • Final Day to Drop Off IOCC Relief Kits. We will prepare to ship them on the evening of April 15 by boxing them up.

Friday, April 22nd - Holy Friday Retreat 

If needed, contact Fr. Nick for a letter to be dismissed from school to participate in the day.

  • The Service of Royal Hours

  • 10:30 AM - Breakfast followed by Retreat Projects and Sessions

  • 12:30 PM - Lunch

  • 1:00 PM - Dismissal

  • Unnailing Vespers

  • Lamentations

Sunday, April 24th - Great and Holy Pascha

  • Agape Vespers and Parish Picnic

Saturday, April 30th - District St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival at Holy Cross, Belmont

Saturday, June 11th - Saturday, June 19th - Ascension Summer Camp

Vacation Church School - TBD

We look forward to your participation in these upcoming events and rejoicing together on Great and Holy Pascha! We thank our families, members and our Youth Council for making these upcoming events possible. 

We also ask that you please take a few moments now to complete a very brief survey to ensure that we have the names and recent contact information for you and the children in your family. Once our list is compiled, we will begin our outreach, and parents and children will have the opportunity to share their perspectives and provide information that will help shape the future of our church community programs.

In Christ,

Fr. Tom & Fr. Nick

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2022, Great Lent Fr. Nick Mueller 2022, Great Lent Fr. Nick Mueller

Ascension Cathedral to Host Bay Area Forgiveness Vespers

The faithful in northern California are invited to join His Eminence Metropolitan Gerasimos of San Francisco for the Vespers of Forgiveness to be prayed at 6:00 p.m. on Sunday, March 6, 2021 at the Ascension Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Oakland, California. A homily will be offered by Rev. Father Constantine Efstathiu. Please join us in prayer for this beautiful way to begin our journey through Great Lent by reconciling ourselves with one another and seeking forgiveness.

A Cheesefare reception will be graciously offered by the Ascension Cathedral community following the service.

Kali Tessarakosti!

The faithful in northern California are invited to join His Eminence Metropolitan Gerasimos of San Francisco for the Vespers of Forgiveness to be prayed at 6:00 p.m. on Sunday, March 6, 2021 at the Ascension Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Oakland, California. A homily will be offered by Rev. Father Constantine Efstathiu. Please join us in prayer for this beautiful way to begin our journey through Great Lent by reconciling ourselves with one another and seeking forgiveness.

A Cheesefare reception will be graciously offered by the Ascension Cathedral community following the service.

Kali Tessarakosti!

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Prayer Team, 2022, Divine Services Fr. Nick Mueller Prayer Team, 2022, Divine Services Fr. Nick Mueller

Prayer Team adds Monthly Meeting and Monthly Intercessory Service

Our parish Prayer Team met on Tuesday, January 18th to discuss the direction of the ministry in the new year. As you are aware the 15 members of our Prayer Team have been praying daily for our community for the past year since the ministry was formed. Learn more about their plan for 2022 here…

Beloved Ascension Community,

When God wants to have mercy on someone, He inspires someone else to pray for him,
and he helps in this prayer.
— St. Silouan the Athonite

Our parish Prayer Team met on Tuesday, January 18th to discuss the direction of the ministry in the new year. As you are aware the 15 members of our Prayer Team have been praying daily for our community for the past year since the ministry was formed. We thank them for the gift of their prayer and love. As each of us look back on the past year, perhaps we can see more clearly how our burdens have been lifted, hopes come to fruition and healing through Christ’s mercy have been affected through their prayers.

Our meeting was a wonderful and inspiring discussion with two great developments:

  • The Prayer Team will offer a monthly meeting on the 3rd Tuesday of the Month at 7:30 PM. Meetings will discuss the enrichment and enlivening of our prayer life with an on-going study of the lives of the saints as inspiration. Our next meeting is Tuesday, February 15th.

  • The Prayer Team will also organize a monthly intercessory prayer service (a paraklesis or akathist for various needs) on the 4th Friday of the Month at 6:30 PM. Our first service will be Small Paraklesis on Friday, January 28th at 6:30 PM in the Cathedral. The Small Paraklesis is an intercessory service to the Virgin Mary, the Most Holy Theotokos. At this service we offer prayers for the living, asking her assistance.

We continue to thank the Prayer Team for their important service confident that “the prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective” (James 5:16). If you also feel so moved to pray for our community or are in need of prayer please reach out to our Prayer Team at ascensionprayers4700@gmail.com.

In Christ,

Fr. Tom, Fr. Nick & The Prayer Team

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2022, Blessing of the Waters Fr. Nick Mueller 2022, Blessing of the Waters Fr. Nick Mueller

Postponement of Blessing of the Waters SF Bay 2022

We regret to inform you that the decision has been made to postpone the "Blessing of the Waters SF Bay 2022" event which was scheduled to take place this Sunday January 16, 2022.

Dear parishioners and friends of the Cathedral,

We regret to inform you that the decision has been made to postpone the "Blessing of the Waters SF Bay 2022" event which was scheduled to take place this Sunday January 16, 2022. Please email info@uhasca.org if you have any questions, thank you for your understanding.

We will be looking forward to an opportunity to reschedule and gather again soon.

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Blessing of the Waters, Epiphany Fr. Nick Mueller Blessing of the Waters, Epiphany Fr. Nick Mueller

Regional Blessing of the Waters

This year there will be two Regional Blessing of the Water Services. The first will be the 7th Annual Blessing of the Waters at Rio Del Mar State Beach in Aptos, CA hosted by Prophet Elias Church in Santa Cruz on January 8th, and the second will be on Sunday, January 16th at Aquatic Park Cove in San Francisco.

This year there will be two Regional Blessing of the Water Services. The first will be the 7th Annual Blessing of the Waters at Rio Del Mar State Beach in Aptos, CA hosted by Prophet Elias Church in Santa Cruz on January 8th, and the second will be on Sunday, January 16th at Aquatic Park Cove in San Francisco.

The service on Saturday, January 8th will be held at Rio Del Mar State Beach in Aptos, CA, on Saturday, January 8th 2022 at 11:00 a.m. 

Learn more and register to swim for the Cross here.

Blessing of the Waters Sunday, January 16th

The United Hellenic American Societies (UHAS) representing the Greek American Community in California is organizing the Blessing of the Waters at the Aquatic Park Cove in San Francisco on Sunday, January 16, 2022. There will be festivities from noon until 4:00 p.m., including live music at Aquatic Park Cove near Ghirardelli Square, 600 Jefferson Street, San Francisco. The Blessing of the Waters, “Agiasmos”, will be celebrated at 1:30 p.m. by His Eminence Metropolitan Gerasimos of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of San Francisco.

Blessing of the Waters 2020, Aptos

Blessing of the Waters 2021, San Francisco Bay

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2022, COVID-19, Youth Ministry, Adult Ministry Fr. Nick Mueller 2022, COVID-19, Youth Ministry, Adult Ministry Fr. Nick Mueller

In-person Ministry Pause

As you are aware, the Omicron Variant of COVID-19 continues to spread rapidly. We have already worked as a community to ensure that we are taking reasonable steps in response, including pausing coffee hour fellowship. Learn more…

Come, consider this new and wonderful deluge, greater and more important than the flood of Noah’s day. Then the water of the flood destroyed the human race, but now the water of Baptism has recalled the dead to life by the power of the one who baptized.

In the days of the flood the dove with an olive branch in its beak foreshadowed the fragrance of the good odor of Christ the Lord; now the Holy Spirit, coming in the likeness of a dove reveals the Lord of mercy.

Homily on Theophany by St. Proclus of Constantinople

Dear Ascension Community,

Kronia polla! Blessed feast!

As we celebrate the Feast of Epiphany and begin the new year, we pray that we are able to acquire ‘the Spirit of wisdom, the Spirit of understanding, the Spirit of the fear of God’ which has been imparted to us through God’s appearance upon earth (Idiomelon from the Great Blessing of the Waters on the Feast of Holy Theophany).

As you are aware, the Omicron Variant of COVID-19 continues to spread rapidly. We have already worked as a community to ensure that we are taking reasonable steps in response, including pausing coffee hour fellowship.

Beginning today, January 6th, 2022, we will also pause all other in-person adult and youth ministries. Divine Services will continue to be offered as scheduled, and we continue to require that all those in attendance wear face coverings. As the current surge progresses we will evaluate when we can appropriately and safely return to in-person ministries.

We thank you for your patience and understanding as we continue to respond to the current conditions of the pandemic. In the meantime, please keep the health and well-being of one another foremost in your actions and your prayers.

May our Lord and Savior who condescended to be baptized in the Jordan by John continue to blessed, preserve and sanctify all of us.

In Christ,

Fr. Tom & Fr. Nick

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New Years Celebrations Canceled

Out of an abundance of caution due to the ease of transmission of the Omicron Variant of SARS COV-2, both the AHEPA New Year’s Party and Young Adult League New Year’s Gala have been canceled by their respective organizers.


Out of an abundance of caution due to the ease of transmission of the Omicron Variant of SARS COV-2, both the AHEPA New Year’s Party and Young Adult League New Year’s Gala have been canceled by their respective organizers.

If you registered for the Young Adult League New Year’s Gala an additional communication will be sent to you regarding your refund.

We would like to thank the AHEPA and our young adults for their efforts in helping our community find an opportunity for fellowship this year and to celebrate the New Year. We also thank the AHEPA for their support in working with our Young Adults as they took initiative this year to plan an event.

We wish you and your families a happy and healthy New Year filled with every blessing!

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