Book Club

Since 2018, our Ascension Book Club meets on a monthly basis to discuss a spiritual book. Our monthly book is available for purchase in our Church Bookstore.

OUr next book & Meeting

Our book for December 2022 is The Joy of the Holy: St. Seraphim of Sarov & Orthodox Spirituality. We will meet on Wednesday, December 21st at 7 PM.

Our Book Club has read

  • On the Incarnation by St. Athanasios the Great

  • Great Lent: Journey to Pascha by Fr. Alexander Schmemann

  • The Mystery of Holy Baptism by Hieromonk Gregorios

  • The Vice of Envy by Hieromonk Gregorios

  • Theology of the Body - Jean-Claude Larchet

  • To My Children and Grandchildren: A Spiritual Testament - On the Fasts, Confession, and the Partaking of the Holy Mysteries of Christ by St. Sergius of Kasimov

  • On Social Justice - St. Basil the Great

  • The Cult of the Saints - St. John Chrysostom

  • The Song of Tears: An Essay on Repentance based on the Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete -Olivier Clement

  • The Names of Jesus by Fr. Thomas Hopko

  • Facing the World by Archbishop Anastasios of Albania

  • Four Desert Fathers - Pambo, Evagrius, Macarius of Egypt & Macarius of Alexandria

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