Youth Ministry Calendar 2022-2023

Reverend Clergy, Honorable Parish Council Members & Beloved Parishioners,

“Where do you see yourselves in the Church in 5 years?”

Our oldest campers were asked this by our camp staff during their overnight camping trip at our Ascension Summer Camp this past month.

In turn, we must ask ourselves as a Church: what we are doing to help our youth positively answer this essential question, “Do you see a future for yourself with Christ and His Church?” Our hope should be not merely that they answer, “yes,” but that their curiosity and vision are ignited. Our responsibility is to empower our youth to discern who they are in Christ, develop as leaders, acquire new skills, and find their own unique way they will reflect the Light of Christ.

To this end, please find included below our 2022 - 2023 Youth Ministry Calendar. Our families have continuously voiced the need to plan ahead in order to participate in the life of the Church and its ministries. Establishing a calendar at the beginning of the ministry year empowers our families to put their relationship with Christ and His Church first.

This calendar, as well as the range of ministry events it features, were developed over the past year in response to many named needs of our community. Ascension’s youth, parents and families told us about their needs and concerns – and we listened. In fact, as we engaged our youth they told us directly that they want opportunities to find out how they can “shine” and how they can lead in the Church. The events we have planned for this next year directly stem from those conversations. Join the conversation by completing our Youth Survey here.

We are excited to see where we will be in 5 years! Save these dates today!

In Christ’s Service and yours,

Fr. Nick


Parish Panagyri and Volunteer Sign Up Genius


Dan Christopulos, OCMC Development Director visiting Sunday, June 5