Ascension Choir Fr. Nick Mueller Ascension Choir Fr. Nick Mueller

"Project Praise the Lord!" - Liturgical Music Practice for our Youth

Dear Ascension Parents,

I am writing to introduce myself to some who may not have met me, I'm Laura, the Director of Music at Ascension.

Last Sunday it was my pleasure to work with the third through 8th-grade students to begin learning the basics of singing and an anthem called "Praise the Lord” in the final 10 minutes of classes that day. So much enthusiasm in this group, and, you'll be pleased to know-much more than a joyful "noise"!

"Make a joyful noise unto the Lord..."

Psalm 100

Dear Ascension Parents,

I am writing to introduce myself to some who may not have met me, I'm Laura, the Director of Music at Ascension.

Last Sunday it was my pleasure to work with the third through 8th-grade students to begin learning the basics of singing and an anthem called "Praise the Lord” in the final 10 minutes of classes that day. So much enthusiasm in this group, and, you'll be pleased to know-much more than a joyful "noise"!

The plan is to share this music in partnership with the choir in two weeks on Sunday, October 2, National Church Music Sunday as the hymn of preparation for communion. On this day we honor St. Romanos, the Melodist, and we remember those of blessed memory who have served as singers; our ministers of music.

As a part of this special day, it makes sense to pray for the future of music in our church, and to lift our spirits with these voices of hope, i.e. our children!

Here is the rehearsal & musical offering schedule for "Project Praise the Lord". We want to make it easy for you! I will be available on the next TWO Saturdays to work with students, some around basketball practices. Please note: We encourage your child to come to as many rehearsals as they are able, but don't stress! (While rehearsals are essential for growing in singing technique, this music may also be learned at home-see below).:

1. Saturday, September 24 - (Father Paris Hall)

10-10:20 AM (following girls' practice)

10:30-10:50 AM (before elementary school boys' practice)

11:00-11:20 AM (following middle school boys' practice)

2. Sunday, September 25 - Group excused during the liturgy to review the song with a choir member (or me)

3. Tuesday, September 27 - *Option to come to choir rehearsal for 1/2 hour from 7:15-7:45 PM

to sing this together as this is a partner song with the adult choir - Cathedral Loft (How cool is that?:-)

4. Saturday, October 1 - (Father Paris Hall)

10-10:20 AM (following girls' practice)

10:30-10:50 AM (before elementary school boys' practice)

11:00-11:20 AM (following middle school boys' practice)

*Come if you are able - a good opportunity to hear the whole piece from the choir loft. We promise fun and not too long!

In addition, please find the music score attached and an audio file for home review.

Again, please make whatever commitment is possible for your child at this time. Please reach out if you have questions.

We are excited to help our children develop this lifelong spiritual practice!

Yours in music,


Laura Kakis Serper

Ascension Cathedral of Oakland

Director of Choral Music

510-332-1108 (Text message best)

P.S. We will try our best to give several opportunities this year for those children who would like to serve in this way. From here, we may see about forming Ascension's Youth Choir with short-term tangible goals!

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