Prayer Team, 2022, Divine Services Fr. Nick Mueller Prayer Team, 2022, Divine Services Fr. Nick Mueller

Prayer Team adds Monthly Meeting and Monthly Intercessory Service

Our parish Prayer Team met on Tuesday, January 18th to discuss the direction of the ministry in the new year. As you are aware the 15 members of our Prayer Team have been praying daily for our community for the past year since the ministry was formed. Learn more about their plan for 2022 here…

Beloved Ascension Community,

When God wants to have mercy on someone, He inspires someone else to pray for him,
and he helps in this prayer.
— St. Silouan the Athonite

Our parish Prayer Team met on Tuesday, January 18th to discuss the direction of the ministry in the new year. As you are aware the 15 members of our Prayer Team have been praying daily for our community for the past year since the ministry was formed. We thank them for the gift of their prayer and love. As each of us look back on the past year, perhaps we can see more clearly how our burdens have been lifted, hopes come to fruition and healing through Christ’s mercy have been affected through their prayers.

Our meeting was a wonderful and inspiring discussion with two great developments:

  • The Prayer Team will offer a monthly meeting on the 3rd Tuesday of the Month at 7:30 PM. Meetings will discuss the enrichment and enlivening of our prayer life with an on-going study of the lives of the saints as inspiration. Our next meeting is Tuesday, February 15th.

  • The Prayer Team will also organize a monthly intercessory prayer service (a paraklesis or akathist for various needs) on the 4th Friday of the Month at 6:30 PM. Our first service will be Small Paraklesis on Friday, January 28th at 6:30 PM in the Cathedral. The Small Paraklesis is an intercessory service to the Virgin Mary, the Most Holy Theotokos. At this service we offer prayers for the living, asking her assistance.

We continue to thank the Prayer Team for their important service confident that “the prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective” (James 5:16). If you also feel so moved to pray for our community or are in need of prayer please reach out to our Prayer Team at

In Christ,

Fr. Tom, Fr. Nick & The Prayer Team

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Great Lent, Divine Services, 2021 Fr. Nick Mueller Great Lent, Divine Services, 2021 Fr. Nick Mueller

Forgiveness Vespers and Great Lent

This Sunday, March 14 at 5pm we will celebrate what is called Forgiveness Vespers. Throughout the service the hymns speak to us about the coming Lenten period and for forgiveness. Our Lord taught us in the Sermon on the Mount: For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father also will forgive you; but if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. (Matthew 6:14-15). Forgiveness is extremely important in our walk with Christ.

For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father also will forgive you…

(Matthew 6:14)

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When I was growing up once a month there was a special Sunday that the Sunday School children received Holy Communion. On our way out of the house we had a monthly ritual. As we left for Church, we, my brother and sister and I, would ask forgiveness of each other and of our parents. We would also kiss my father’s hand. In this way we were prepared (in addition to the fasting) to receive Holy Communion.

This Sunday, March 14 at 5pm we will celebrate what is called Forgiveness Vespers. Throughout the service the hymns speak to us about the coming Lenten period and for forgiveness. Our Lord taught us in the Sermon on the Mount: For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father also will forgive you; but if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. (Matthew 6:14-15). Forgiveness is extremely important in our walk with Christ.

At the end of the Sunday evening vespers, we will ask forgiveness of each other. With our current situation, it will be difficult to gather in the Cathedral and, as is the tradition, embrace each other and ask for forgiveness. Bot we can do this within our families and in our homes.

I invite and encourage you and your families to pray with us during the live streaming of the Forgiveness Vespers (5pm, see links below). Have an icon in the room with you. At the end of the service when prompted, ask forgiveness of one another and kissing each other on both cheeks. And ask for forgiveness and strength form our Lord and the intercessions of the Theotokos. If you are alone turn to the icons asking for forgiveness.

I pray this is a blessed Great Lent that gives the opportunity to further your faith and commitment to our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.

In Christ,

Fr. Tom

Service Schedule for the Week of March 15th

During Great Lent we offer various services to help increase and focus our prayer life. The first week of Great Lent services will be celebrated each evening at 6pm. We encourage, if you are able and well, to attend. If you are unable please join us via our live streaming. asee the schedule below.
For those who will attend the Presanctified Liturgy on wednesday evening, please try to fast from eating from your lunch time meal.

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