Studies in the Faith
“There is no better way to teach a child Christianity than to live it truly and from the heart. You cannot teach what you do not live.”
Continue to develop your understanding of the Orthodox Faith with this series of classes. Whether you are preparing to be received in the Church, newly engaged, or want to better understand our Faith this will be a helpful course of study.
“God our Savior...desires everyone to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the Truth.”
This class is the prerequisite for reception into the Orthodox Church. It is open to inquirers into Orthodox Christianity and those who have been received into the Church interested in deepening their understanding of the Faith. Our relationship with Christ is not merely an intellectual exercise and it is expected that anyone seriously perusing a relationship with Christ will regularly attend both classes and Divine Services.
Spring 2025 session begins Tuesday, Feb. 11 at 7 PM on Zoom
In the Orthodox Church we refer to the process of preparation for reception into the Church as Catechism. Catechism is the process by which one is prepared to be received into the Church through Chrismation or Baptism under the guidance of someone with theological expertise. This process is inclusive of prayer, study, participation in divine services, and discussion and is consistent with how the Church has always received adults into the Faith. The purpose is to provide one with a comprehensive introduction to the Orthodox Faith so that, as they begin their life in the Church and in Christ, they will be able to understand how to participate in the life of the Church. It is by no means the end of the journey; learning about our Faith is a life-long process and strengthens our Faith and relationship with God.
Consistent attendance at class sessions and divine services are requirements for this course.
Readings should also be completed prior to class so that one can be prepared for discussion.
The Orthodox Study Bible - The Orthodox Study Bible is the fruit of over twenty years of labor by many of the best Orthodox Christian theologians of our time. Here, by the grace of God, you will find the living water of His Word with comprehensive study guides and teachings that bring to our modern world the mind of the ancient Christian Church. It is the first ever full-length (Old and New Testaments) Orthodox Study Bible in English. Also available for purchase in our church bookstore.
A Basic Guide to Eastern Orthodox Theology by Dr. Eve Tibbs - Eve Tibbs offers a comprehensive yet accessible introduction to the beliefs and practices of the Eastern Orthodox Church for Western readers. Tibbs has devoted her career to translating the Orthodox faith to an evangelical audience and has over twenty years of experience teaching this material to students. Assuming no prior knowledge of Orthodox theology, this survey covers the basic ideas of Eastern Orthodox Christianity from its origins at Pentecost to the present day.
When you Pray: A Practical Guide to an Orthodox Life of Prayer - L. Joseph Letendre - Anyone who prays, or has tried to pray and given up in discouragement, knows praying—really praying—is not easy. Praying consistently seems almost impossible. Too often and too easily, prayer becomes a burden: one more item on an already overcrowded to-do list. Failing to pray becomes a source of guilt and stress as we must once again admit our inconstancy and procrastination to our father confessor. Yet, our Lord said, "Come to me, all of you who are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. My burden is easy and my yoke is light" (Matt. 11:30). The purpose of this book, then, is not to add to the burden, but to ease it by distilling the advice and experience of those who pray.
A Prayer Book - There are many options available. The following are recommendations:
Our relationship with God does not merely hinge on our intellectual understanding of the Divine. Rather, as a monk of the 3rd century, Evagrius expressed, we believe “ a theologian is one who truly prays.”
Therefore, attending divine services and maintaining an active prayer life is an essential part of the catechetical process and your life in Christ.
To be received into the Orthodox Church as an adult, whether by Chrismation or Baptism, one must complete this course of study so that they are prepared to participate in the life of the Church.
One must also have a Godparent or Sponsor. This is a sacred relationship between those being received into the Church and their Sponsor. The Sponsor has the privileged responsibility of guiding one in their life in the Church. Over the course of one’s life they may provide spiritual counsel, teaching about our Faith, and should serve as an example of the Faith.
The Sponsor should be someone who is a member in good standing in the Church. This means that they should be an Orthodox Christian, regularly participate in the sacramental life of the Church, follow the precepts of the Faith, and are an active steward. They should also, by rights, be beyond one’s family of origin or family through marriage. In this way, our spiritual family grows and our connections to one another in the Body of Christ develop. The sponsor will also help with the preparations for one to be received into the Church by purchasing the items needed for Holy Baptism and/or Holy Chrismation.
If you are seeking reception into the Church in anticipation of your wedding, then our Studies in the Faith course is a prerequisite for Baptism or Chrismation. This course of study will give you valuable information for founding your new family in the Faith. In addition to this course of study, couples are also required to complete premarital counseling which is inclusive of an introduction to the Orthodox understanding of the Sacrament of Marriage. These premarital sessions will be scheduled separately with couples. This component is designed to help you better understand your strengths as a couple and identify areas for growth. As you plan for your wedding day, also plan to participate in the course of study, pre-marital counseling and set a date for baptism. May God crown you with glory and honor!
Supplemental Catechism Resources
The Church
The Saints
Orthodox Spirituality
The purpose of this course is to build on the foundation established through Catechism. In this survey course, we will discuss the fundamental Christian ascetic practices of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. These disciplines are essential for our salvation. The purpose of this course is to empower the participant to progress further in their journey with Christ. The course will draw on a variety of patristic and contemporary authors to provide a range of perspectives about these ascetic disciplines.
This class meets on Wednesday mornings at 11 AM in the Fall beginning Wednesday, September 25th.
Supplemental Resources
“The First Road Leading to Forgiveness” - St. John Chrysostom
“This Life has Been Given to us for Repentance” - St. Isaac the Syrian
“If Adam had repented he would not have been exiled from paradise” - St. Symeon the New Theologian
“Prayer is a request for what is good, offered by the devout of God. But we do not restrict this request simply to what is stated in words... We should not express our prayer merely in syllables, but the power of prayer should be expressed in the moral attitude of our soul and in the virtuous actions that extend throughout our life...This is how you pray continually—not by offering prayer in words, but by joining yourself to God through your whole way of life, so that your life becomes one continuous and uninterrupted prayer.”