Prayers for the Newborn

Our entire life is sanctified through our relationship with Christ. We rejoice at the birth of a child, and as a Church begin to lead them to follow Christ. The blessings we offer for newborns establish this new life in Christ.

Upon the birth of the child, the Parish Priest should be invited to the home or hospital to offer prayers for the mother and child. We offer prayers on the 1st and 8th days celebrating the safe delivery of the child and mother. It is the responsibility of the parents or grandparents to notify the Priest at the time of the birth.

40 Day Blessing

On the 40th Day following the birth, the child is brought to the church and prayers are offered for the child, its mother, father and godparents-to-be. The 40 Day Blessing recalls the Presentation in the Temple of the Lord (Luke 2:22-38).

The family should gather in the Narthex during the sermon. There Fr. Nick or Fr. Tom will meet the family and offer the beginning of the service. At the conclusion of the sermon the child will be processed, held by the priest, down the center aisle of the church. The priest will present the child to the Lord exclaiming: “The servant of God (the child’s name) is church in the Name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit.” On the soleas, the priest will offer the prayer of St. Symeon the God-Receiver before returning the child to its parents:

“Now let Your servant depart in peace, O Master, according to Your word. For my eyes have seen Your salvation, which You have prepared before the face of all peoples, a light of revelation to the Gentiles and for the glory of Your people, Israel.”

The family is invited to process down the center aisle following the priest and child and ascend the soleas, as well. Pictures are encouraged!


Its not too early to think about your child’s baptism. Schedule a time to meet with Fr. Nick to discuss the baptism and scheduling the sacrament. Ideally, the baptism should take place within the first year of your child’s life.