Ascension Online Classes now hosted by Orthodox Christian Network
Fr. Tom’s weekly Bible Studies and Fr. Tom and Fr. Nick’s bi-monthly class “Encountering the Divine Liturgy” are now hosted through the Orthodox Christian Network (OCN). OCN is an Affiliated Ministry of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America, and works to build the digital footprint Orthodox Christianity by making programs and education readily available.
Fr. Tom’s weekly Bible Studies and Fr. Tom and Fr. Nick’s bi-monthly class “Encountering the Divine Liturgy” are now hosted through the Orthodox Christian Network (OCN). OCN is an Affiliated Ministry of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America, and works to build the digital footprint Orthodox Christianity by making programs and education readily available.
3rd Annual Angel Tree
The Ascension Cathedral invites you to help light up the lives of families less fortunate, by providing gifts for some families in local shelters. We teamed up with FESCO (Family Emergency Shelter Coalition) who helps support homeless families and move them from crisis to stability.
Through FESCO, we were given two families. The first is a family of 6 (triplets and one on the way), and the second is a single mother with 2 children. Our goal is to try and provide 4-5 gifts for each person…
The Ascension Cathedral invites you to help light up the lives of families less fortunate, by providing gifts for some families in local shelters. We teamed up with FESCO (Family Emergency Shelter Coalition) who helps support homeless families and move them from crisis to stability.
Through FESCO, we were given two families. The first is a family of 6 (triplets and one on the way), and the second is a single mother with 2 children. Our goal is to try and provide 4-5 gifts for each person.
If you would like to participate, simply sign up for one or more of the gifts on our signup genius.
Please return wrapped and labeled gifts to the church by Friday, December 10. If it is more convenient to drop off in Castro Valley or Lafayette, we can also arrange that, just let us know.
For questions, please contact
Athanasia Yfantis at 510-913-6118
Merry Christmas and God Bless!
Encountering the Divine Liturgy
This class will explore how we can more deeply participate in the Divine Liturgy and why it is central to our spiritual lives as Christians. Our hope is that this will enrich worship for you and for parents and their families.
For this study we will use the book Let us Attend: A Journey through the Orthodox Divine Liturgy by Fr. Lawrence Farley which can be purchased here. Learn more.
This class will explore how we can more deeply participate in the Divine Liturgy and why it is central to our spiritual lives as Christians. Our hope is that this will enrich worship for you and for parents and their families.
For this study we will use the book Let us Attend: A Journey through the Orthodox Divine Liturgy by Fr. Lawrence Farley which can be purchased here.
The class will culminate in a Teaching Liturgy which will be offered on the soleas on a Sunday in the future, date to be determined.
You can join us on Zoom the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 7 PM here:
Sunday School and Youth Ministry Kick-Off Oct. 3rd
Come help us kick off The Ascension Youth Ministry Season on Sunday, October 3rd. Join us, as we welcome the kids back for their first day of Sunday School, plant a tree in memory of Father Tom Paris, and enjoy some food, fellowship, and fun on the Platia. Register for Sunday school here.
Sunday School and Youth Ministry Kick-Off Oct. 3rd
Come help us kick off The Ascension Youth Ministry Season on Sunday, October 3rd. Join us, as we welcome the kids back for their first day of Sunday School, plant a tree in memory of Father Tom Paris, and enjoy some food, fellowship, and fun on the Platia.
$5.00 per person for a cheeseburger or hotdog bbq. Drinks and dessert will also be for sale. Some games include: corn hole, bounce house, pogo stick racing, bowling, football/baseball throw, face painting, chalk art, photo booth, and bubble fun!
If you are interested in volunteering to help set up or clean up, please click the link. Volunteer here!
Come help us kick off The Ascension Youth Ministry Season on Sunday, October 3rd. Join us, as we welcome the kids back for their first day of Sunday School, plant a tree in memory of Father Tom Paris, and enjoy some food, fellowship, and fun on the Platia.
$5.00 per person for a cheeseburger or hotdog bbq. Drinks and dessert will also be for sale. Some games include: corn hole, bounce house, pogo stick racing, bowling, football/baseball throw, face painting, chalk art, photo booth, and bubble fun!
If you are interested in volunteering to help set up or clean up, please click the link.
We look forward to welcoming back our community to Sunday School on Sunday, October 3rd!
Sunday School will meet the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the Month. Our theme for our 2021 - 2022 Sunday School year is "Our Church. Our Home." Our bi-monthly class sessions will explore this theme and offer our parents and families ways to deepen the practice of their Faith in their home and at church. We are also expanding the music component of our program both through congregational singing and in our class meetings. On the other Sundays of the month, families will worship together for the entire Divine Liturgy as part of our larger Ascension community, helping our children feel more "at home" in church during Liturgy.
This year Sunday School will be adapted to respond to COVID Guidelines and ensure the safety of our youth and teachers by meeting outdoors, weather permitting.
Tots & Parents: Age 0-3/Preschool - One parent/grown-up present (maybe a yiayia or papou).
Group 1: Pre-K/TK & Kindergarten (Parents/Caregivers asked to participate with children. Parent/Teacher gauge child’s independence.)--Outdoors or Richmond Room
Group 2: Grades 1-3--Outdoors or Large Hall
Group 3: Grades 4-5--Outdoors or Large Hall
Group 4: Middle School Grades 6-8 (Double Classroom in Educational Building)
Group 5: High School Grades 9-12 (Conference Room)
OrthoTalks for Teens
For All Middle/Junior High School Students and Parents
The gathering will focus on the Orthodox Christian response to bullying, how to deal with someone that is mean, and understanding brokenness.
As the new school year begins our children are going to endure difficult situations. This series will aid the student’s social development by reinforcing the teachings of our Lord and His Church. If you are a Middle/Junior High School Student, we invite you and your parents to join us!
OrthoTalks: Dealing With Difficult People
For All Middle/Junior High School Students and Parents
The gathering will focus on the Orthodox Christian response to bullying, how to deal with someone that is mean, and understanding brokenness.
As the new school year begins our children are going to endure difficult situations. This series will aid the student’s social development by reinforcing the teachings of our Lord and His Church. If you are a Middle/Junior High School Student, we invite you and your parents to join us!
Join the discussion to understand our Orthodox Christian response to bullying and mean people. We will take a look at ourselves too, and do a little self-awareness.
SESSION ONE: Thursday, September 30 • 6:30 p.m. (PDT)
SESSION TWO: Thursday, October 7 • 6:30 p.m. (PDT)
The same two sessions will be repeated on Tuesdays for those who cannot attend Thursday evenings:
SESSION ONE: Tuesday, October 19 • 6:30 p.m. (PDT)
SESSION TWO: Tuesday, October 26 • 6:30 p.m. (PDT)
Register online to receive the Zoom link.
For more information, please contact program facilitator Rev. Father Gary Kyriacou Metropolis Pastor of Youth and Young Adult Ministries (frgary@sanfran.goarch.org).
Youth Basketball Ministry
Youth Basketball Ministry returns for its first practices on Saturday, September 25th! Learn more here…
Greeting Ascension Families,
We hope that you are all doing well and staying safe. We are reaching out to ALL ELEMENTARY AND MIDDLE SCHOOL CHILDREN (High School and Adult players will be contacted at a later date).
We are pleased to announce that we are moving forward with bringing back our Youth Basketball Ministry. We wish we could say that all is going back to normal but unfortunately things will look a little different (hopefully not forever).
First off, we are inviting every single elementary and middle school child (boys and girls). There are no try-outs, everyone will be placed on a team. You do NOT need any prior basketball experience. We are happy to take any child that wants to participate. We continue to tell as many people as will listen that our goal is not to produce the next (W)NBA superstar. Instead, our goal is to bring your child/niece/nephew/granddaughter/grandson closer to the church and increase tremendously the odds of the child actually getting married in the Greek Orthodox Church one day. It certainly worked out that way for your two Co-Athletic Directors who not only got married in a Greek Orthodox Church but each went on to become Ascension Parish Council Presidents and stayed connected with the Ascension community.
We will be complying with local and state guidelines and mandates in relation to the on-going COVID-19 pandemic. All players are currently required to wear a mask over his/her nose and mouth during basketball practices. We have modified our practices to include more drills and side games and less running full court scrimmages. All doors to the gym will remain open in hopes of getting as much ventilation as possible. Each player is required to bring his/her own water bottle. Each player will be instructed that they may exit the gym with or without permission at any time to get fresh air and mask break. Sanitizer for hands will be available and each player will be required to wash their hands prior to and after practice.
Guidelines/mandates/rules seem to be changing frequently and as they change, we will follow along. Each parent/guardian of a player must agree to follow these rules as will be set out and changed periodically. Everything that we will ask of you is what has already been asked of you in schools and other sports leagues. We are NOT going to ask for anything more restrictive than need be to comply with local and state guidelines and mandates. At the very minimum, you will be required to keep your player home if he/she is showing any symptoms of being sick. While we can’t ever be 100% safe in any gathering, some common rules amongst us must be in place and we firmly believe that you will understand and respect this position.
Parents will be encouraged to wait outside for the players to finish. If your child is young and perhaps new to the ministry, you are welcome to come inside so long as you agree and follow the rules we set out. Please remember that all of us coaches and directors are volunteers who are here to teach basketball and ensure that the players have fun. Please help us out by following the rules so we are not put in a position to divert time away from basketball and fun to Mask Police and misery.
All basketball practices will take place on Saturday mornings between 9:00 a.m. and noon. Our first practice will take place Saturday, September 25, 2021. We do not yet know when the actual league will take place. Historically the league began on the first or second Sunday of the year but 2022 may be different. We charge a modest registration fee (TBD but approximately $75.00) and ask (hope and pray) that each player sells 10 ticket at $10 each for our fabulous All-Star Breakfast fundraiser that we hold annually.
The Orthodox Youth Athletic Association (OYAA – the league we play in) classifies teams as follows:
Girls & Boys Elementary School = 3rd , 4th & 5th graders*
Girls & Boys Middle School = 6th, 7th & 8th graders*
*we are able to take some players who are younger than 3rd grade provided they are physically strong enough to shoot a regulation basketball through a 10 foot hoop. This is strictly enforced for safety reasons.
9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Girls Elementary & Middle School
10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Boys Elementary School
11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Boys Middle School
We are looking forward to having our players lace up their shoes and drain buckets!!
Jim Glafkides & A.G. Konstantin
Ascension Co-Athletic Directors
Blessing of the Backpacks Sunday, Sept. 12th
*Attention parents, teachers/educators and students of all ages*
Please join us on Sunday September 12th during Divine Liturgy for our “Blessing of the Backpacks”.
Bring your backpacks/bags to church, place them on the soleas and receive a blessing for the new school year! All participants will receive an icon card to keep in their backpacks or their icon corner. This is a wonderful opportunity to come together as a community to celebrate and pray for our students and teachers/educators.
Blessing Of The Backpacks
*Attention parents, teachers/educators and students of all ages*
Please join us on Sunday September 12th during Divine Liturgy for our “Blessing of the Backpacks”.
Bring your backpacks/bags to church, place them on the soleas and receive a blessing for the new school year! All participants will receive an icon card to keep in their backpacks or their icon corner. This is a wonderful opportunity to come together as a community to celebrate and pray for our students and teachers/educators.
The Order of the Blessing
When you arrive at church bring your backpack to the front of the church and place it on the steps below the iconostasis (not near candles or in front of the doors)
Following the Memorial Service Parents and Children will be invited to the solea. Please fan out across the solea.
Fr. Tom and Fr. Nick will welcome everyone and explain the blessing. We will chant the hymn of our Church, offer petitions for our students and families as they begin the new school year, and we will ask God’s blessing for them.
We will take a picture together, and as you return to your pew please take an icon card with a prayer that you can offer for your studies.
God bless you as you begin the new school year!
Ascension Greek School Announces Fall Programs
Ascension Cathedral Greek School
New 2021 -2022 Program
Classes will start on Monday September 20, 2021
and graduation for this school year is scheduled on Sunday June 5, 2022.
For more information contact us at: greekschool@groca.org
We can also provide a class that is specialized for your needs (3 additional students required) and we can start ASAP!
Ascension Cathedral Greek School
New 2021 -2022 Program
Classes will start on Monday September 20, 2021
and graduation for this school year is scheduled on Sunday June 5, 2022.
For more information contact us at: greekschool@groca.org
We can also provide a class that is specialized for your needs (3 additional students required) and we can start ASAP!
Funeral Services for Rev. Fr. Thomas J. Paris
Beloved Ascension Parishioners,
As we prepare to offer prayers for the servant of God, Anastasios the Presbyter, our beloved Fr. Tom, who has fallen asleep in the Lord, no doubt we are all recalling the profound impact he made in our lives through his faith and love. As St. Paul guides us, “Remember your leaders, those who spoke the word of God to you; consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith” (Hebrews 13:7). Please also continue to keep Presbytera Vaso and the Paris family in your prayers.
Also, keep in mind the following:
Beloved Ascension Parishioners,
As we prepare to offer prayers for the servant of God, Anastasios the Presbyter, our beloved Fr. Tom, who has fallen asleep in the Lord, no doubt we are all recalling the profound impact he made in our lives through his faith and love. As St. Paul guides us, “Remember your leaders, those who spoke the word of God to you; consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith” (Hebrews 13:7). Please also continue to keep Presbytera Vaso and the Paris family in your prayers.
Also, keep in mind the following:
Prior to Arriving for Services on Friday or Saturday
COVID Guidelines: Due to the emergence of the Covid-19 Delta variant, which is much more transmissible than previous forms of the virus, the Alameda County Public Health Department has issued a new Order requiring masks for all individuals over the age of 2 in public indoor settings. The full press release is available here.
Parking & Transportation: Reserved handicapped parking will be on the third floor of the Parking Pavilion. Additional parking will be available at the Mormon Temple Lot. Please carpool and do not leave any valuables in your car. Shuttle service will be available both from the Mormon Parking Lot and to the Interment on Saturday.
Live Stream: All the services, including the interment, will be live streamed and will be available on our parish website, Facebook LIVE and YouTube Channel. Additionally, you will be able to listen to an audio stream of the service on the Platia during the services, or watch the Live Stream in the Fr. Tom Paris Event Center or in the Richmond Room.
Offering Respects: If you would like to offer your final respects to Fr. Tom, please do so on Friday from 4 PM to 6 PM or you may continue after the Trisagion. There will be very limited time to offer your respects on Saturday. The Cathedral will remain open until everyone has had the opportunity to pay their respects on Friday evening.
Trisagion - Friday, August 13th
The Cathedral will open at 4 PM for viewing until 6 PM. At 6 PM the Trisagion will be presided by His Eminence Metropolitan Gerasimos, His Grace Bishop Spyridon, and His Grace Bishop Ioannis and clergy. After the Trisagion and eulogies, a coffee hour will be hosted on the Platia by the Philoptochos. The family kindly requests that you refrain from greeting them in the Cathedral.
Funeral - Saturday, August 14th
On Saturday, Matins will begin at 7 AM followed immediately by the Divine Liturgy celebrated by Rev. Fr. James Paris and Rev. Fr. Paul Paris, Rev. Fr. Thomas J. Paris’ two sons. Following the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy there will be a brief opportunity to pay your final respects to Fr. Tom. Please note, this opportunity will be very limited, no more than an hour.
The Funeral will begin at 10 AM. His Eminence Metropolitan Gerasimos. Once the Funeral concludes all the congregation will be asked to exit the Cathedral. You will not be able to pay your respects or greet the family at this time. Those in the side pews will exit the side doors and those in the middle pews will exit out the front doors. Please stand along the red carpet as we process to the hearse.
For more information and to make a donation please visit our parish website.
We are thankful for your prayers, support and assistance in this time. May Fr. Tom’s memory be eternal and may God grant him rest.
In the Resurrected Christ,
Fr. Tom & Fr. Nick
The Falling Asleep of Rev. Fr. Thomas J. Paris
Dear Ascension Community,
Our beloved Rev. Father Thomas J. Paris passed away peacefully at home this morning following a long and courageous battle with cancer.
Father Tom Paris embodied the heart and soul of the Ascension Greek Orthodox Community in Oakland for 50 years. His service to the local community and the Greek Orthodox Church in America was a shining example to all our fellow clergy.
Dear Ascension Community,
Our beloved Rev. Father Thomas J. Paris passed away peacefully at home this morning following a long and courageous battle with cancer.
Father Tom Paris embodied the heart and soul of the Ascension Greek Orthodox Community in Oakland for 50 years. His service to the local community and the Greek Orthodox Church in America was a shining example to all our fellow clergy.
Fr. Tom’s dedication and his love impacted over three generations of Greek Orthodox Christians in the Bay Area. He was part of everyone’s family. Our sympathy, love, and prayers go out to his wife, Presvytera Vaso, his children, and grandchildren.
May his memory be eternal.
In the resurrected Christ,
Father Tom Z
Rev. Father Thomas J. Paris Services
Friday, August 13
Viewing from 4:00pm | Trisagion 6:00pm
Reception immediately following on the Platia at Ascension Cathedral
Saturday, August 14
Matins 7:00am followed by the Divine Liturgy | Funeral 10:00am
Interment immediately following at Mountain View Cemetery
and Makaria to follow at Ascension Cathedral
GOYA Volleyball Sundays
Ascension 6th - 12th Graders join us for two evenings of fellowship and fun on Sunday, July 18th and Sunday, July 25th!
Contact Fr. Nick for more information: frnickm@groca.org
See you there!
Ascension 6th - 12th Graders join us for two evenings of fellowship and fun on Sunday, July 18th and Sunday, July 25th!
Contact Fr. Nick for more information: frnickm@groca.org
Schedule for 7.18 & 7.25:
5:00 PM - Check-In + Pizza Dinner
5:30 PM - Volleyball
7:00 PM - Check Out + Pick Up
Send love and hugs to Father Tom and Presbytera Vaso Paris
We at Ascension, want to send our happy thoughts, love, and prayers to Father Tom and Presbytera Vaso Paris. We have been reflecting on the past year and a half and how much we have missed the fellowship of our Ascension community. We look forward to reconnecting and spending time with each other again soon.
We have set up an opportunity to create a video collage allowing our parishioners to send a short video to Fr. Tom and Presbytera Vaso. All submissions will be arranged in a video montage for them to enjoy.
We at Ascension, want to send our happy thoughts, love, and prayers to Father Tom and Presbytera Vaso Paris. We have been reflecting on the past year and a half and how much we have missed the fellowship of our Ascension community. We look forward to reconnecting and spending time with each other again soon.
We have set up an opportunity to create a video collage allowing our parishioners to send a short video to Fr. Tom and Presbytera Vaso. All submissions will be arranged in a video montage for them to enjoy.
This is a wonderful way to reach out to Father Tom and Presbytera Vaso letting them know that even though we are not able to gather, we think of them often and send them our love and prayers.
A few tips for the perfect video:
1. Please ensure your video is no longer than 30 seconds.
2. Use a space with good lighting and limited background noise.
3. Enable your device microphone if needed. We want Father Tom and Presbytera Vaso to hear your lovely voices.
4. Use a tablet, smartphone, or computer to make your video by clicking the link below (or call your grandchild to help). :)
Click this link to record your video message today and please submit no later than June 30, 2021.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Sia Yfantis siayfantis@gmail.com or 510-913-6118.
Summer Youth Events
Beloved Ascension Community,
We’re excited to announce a series of in-person youth and family activities that will be offered throughout the summer in conjunction with the Metropolis of San Francisco and our sister Bay Area parishes.
The series will kick off with a GOYA event at Ascension!
We look forward to seeing you all in-person this summer and enjoying fellowship with one another!
Beloved Ascension Community,
We’re excited to announce a series of in-person youth and family activities that will be offered throughout the summer in conjunction with the Metropolis of San Francisco and our sister Bay Area parishes.
The series will kick off with a GOYA event at Ascension!
We look forward to seeing you all in-person this summer and enjoying fellowship with one another!
Youth grades 6-12 are welcome to join us for a fun kick off to the summer at the Ascension Cathedral in Oakland with an evening of volleyball, basketball, Greek dancing, a BBQ, and a sunset campfire from 5:30pm - 9:00pm.
Bring your entire family or arrange for a parish carpool and join us in Santa Cruz for a Family Beach Day of fun from 12:00pm - 5:00pm at Seacliff State Beach with beach games, swimming, a sand castle competition, surfing lessons with Fr. Milutin, and Vespers at Prophet Elias at 6:00pm.
Join us for a Day of Service with Holy Trinity's Food Pantry from 10:30am - 2:00pm. Bring the whole family or drop off your Goyan to help organize and distribute the drive thru food distribution in collaboration with the SF Marin Food Bank. We will organize and distribute the food followed by a lunch and discussion in the community hall and finish the afternoon with a short prayer service in the church.
Youth grades 6-12 are welcome to join us for a fun hike in Novato followed by a Paraklesis service and BBQ at the church that are both open to the entire family. It's the best way to celebrate the Feast of the Dormition and the end of the summer together!
Kid's Table @ Coffee Hour on Sundays
This summer we’ve set up a dedicated children’s activity and snack table for your kiddos during coffee hour. Enjoy some coffee while meeting other families within our community while the kids explore Orthodox focused activities. Learn more here!
Kid-Friendly/Family Corner
This summer we’ve set up a dedicated children’s activity and snack table for your kiddos during coffee hour. Enjoy some coffee while meeting other families within our community while the kids explore Orthodox focused activities.
What To Expect:
Orthodox Children's Book, Coloring Pages, Matching Game
Arts & Crafts to make Icons and much more
Kid Friendly Snacks: Gold Fish, Pretzels, Raisins, Apple Juice, Water etc.
We’d love to make this an ongoing event for children/families, so if you're available and interested in setup/take down please reach out to Mariela Kadow at mariela.kadow@gmail.com
This is also a great volunteer opportunity for teens looking to mentor and assist the younger children at the activity table. Please reach out if your teen is interested.
God Bless,
- Mariela Kadow, Steve (Spouse), Sophia (4.5). James (2.5)
SF Metropolis Announces Summer Programs
The San Francisco Metropolis announces three summer programs!
Two virtual summer camps: “We’re Going to Bring St. Nicholas to Your Home” an at-home summer camp program and “Let’s Go to Our Greek Village” an online immersion Greek language camp.
The Metropolis Missions and Evangelism Ministry is in the middle of their Mission to America campaign, which started on Pascha and continues through Pentecost (June 20). Proceeds from this effort will fund tangible projects at each of our six mission parishes.
We’re Gonna Bring St. Nick’s To Your Home
Our Metropolis Summer Camp is back, and even though it is virtual, it promises to be another exciting, engaging and fun experience. All youth ages 8 – 18 (including recent high school graduates) can register now for this two week program which will be held on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from July 19 – 30, 2021. Activities will include daily cabin talks, prayer services, arts and crafts, cooking classes, evening activities and more! Participants will receive a camper box in the mail with supplies, camp gear and a few surprises. There are also still a few opportunities to be part of the Summer Camp Staff team for 2021. Be sure to check out our new Online Shop for all your favorite camp attire. Visit www.gosfyouth.org for registration information, staff applications, and the online camp shop.
Let’s Go To Our Greek Village
Our Greek Village immersion camp is still accepting registrations for this year’ virtual camp being held June 19 – 26, 2021. Now entering its 12th year, Our Greek Village has earned an excellent reputation for its creativity and quality of instruction in language immersion, art, music, culture and traditions, dance and more. The exceptional leadership team and skilled instructors for Our Greek Village are planning another exciting virtual program that will keep campers engaged in classes and activities that will culminate in a celebration at the end of a successful week of camp. Our Greek Village is open to all youth ages 7 – 15, and will be offering an online program every day from 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. (PDT) from June 19 - 26. Space is limited so secure your spot by registering online at www.ourgreekvillage.org or email OurGreekVillage@gmail.com with questions.
Mission to America
The Metropolis Missions and Evangelism Ministry is in the middle of their Mission to America campaign, which started on Pascha and continues through Pentecost (June 20). Proceeds from this effort will fund tangible projects at each of our six mission parishes located in: Maui, HI; Pasco, WA; Roseburg, OR; Salem, OR; Flagstaff, AZ; and Lake Havasu City, AZ. Learn more about Mission to America at www.groworthodoxy.org and how you can support this important effort today!
High School Graduates to be Honored
Graduating from High School is an important milestone in life, and a wonderful opportunity for thanksgiving and celebration. It is also a time to look at ahead towards the next chapter of life as one advances on towards adulthood, further studies and a profession. This year, we will honor our graduates with an in-person presentation of a gift on Sunday, June 6th immediately following the Divine Liturgy.
Beloved Ascension Community,
Christ is risen!
Graduating from High School is an important milestone in life, and a wonderful opportunity for thanksgiving and celebration. It is also a time to look at ahead towards the next chapter of life as one advances on towards adulthood, further studies and a profession. This year, we will honor our graduates with an in-person presentation of a gift on Sunday, June 6th immediately following the Divine Liturgy.
We would like to invite you to two great ways to honor our graduating High School Seniors this year.
Ascension Parents: if you have a graduating senior(s) this year please fill out this simple form so that we can recognize their accomplishments with a special gift on Sunday, June 6th.
Congratulations to the Class of 2021! Your endurance and efforts in adapting in adverse circumstances have not gone unnoticed or unappreciated. May God bless you in this time, and may He continue to sustain all your good works and efforts.
In Christ,
Fr. Tom and Fr. Nick
2021 Scholarship Applications Now Open
We are excited to announce the opening of applications for scholarships for those going on to further study or continuing their studies in higher education! All scholarships applications should be completed and submitted to the Ascension Cathedral Office no later than July 1st, 2021. The applications will then be reviewed, and awardees announced Saturday, July 31st, 2021.
Ascension Community,
Christ is risen!
We are excited to announce the opening of applications for scholarships for those going on to further study or continuing their studies in higher education! All scholarships applications should be completed and submitted to the Ascension Cathedral Office no later than July 1st, 2021. The applications will then be reviewed, and awardees announced Saturday, July 31st, 2021.
The following scholarships are now open for applications:
Helen Hangaris Scholarship (Female Applicants Only)
Thalia Bezaitis Banis Scholarship (Female Applicants Only)
If you have any questions regarding the scholarship process please contact our Scholarship Committee via email at ascensionscholarships@gmail.com. We wish you all God’s blessings as you continue your studies, and look forward to all that you will accomplish to His glory!
In Christ,
Fr. Tom, Fr. Nick & The Scholarship Committee