2022, Holy Week, Holy Friday, Youth Ministry Fr. Nick Mueller 2022, Holy Week, Holy Friday, Youth Ministry Fr. Nick Mueller

Holy Friday Retreat 2022

All 1st - 8th Graders are invited to join our first annual Holy Friday Retreat on Friday, April 22nd from 10:30 AM - 1:30 PM at Ascension Cathedral.

We will offer three retreat sessions including:

  • Decorating a Paschal Candle and discussing the significance of the Light of Christ

  • Decorating a Kouvouklion

  • An Orthodox Life Session on the meaning of Christ's Sacrifice on the Cross

All 1st - 8th Graders are invited to join our first annual Holy Friday Retreat on Friday, April 22nd from 10:30 AM - 1:30 PM at Ascension Cathedral.

We will offer three retreat sessions including:

  • Decorating a Paschal Candle and discussing the significance of the Light of Christ

  • Decorating a Kouvouklion

  • An Orthodox Life Session on the meaning of Christ's Sacrifice on the Cross

A Lenten Lunch and snacks will be provided.

We wish you and your families a blessed Lenten journey and joyous Pascha!

Those in High School are invited to help facilitate sessions. Contact our team for more information!

In Christ,

Fr. Nick Mueller, Maria Woods, Sia Yfantis and Julia Pappas

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