Offer Relief and Support for Ukraine
Offer relief and support to Ukraine through the Archdiocesan coordinated relief fund, preparing International Orthodox Christian Charities Relief Kits, and through prayer for a quick cessation of the hostilities in Ukraine.
On-going through Friday, April 15th
International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) Relief Kits for Ukraine Organized by our Ascension Philoptochos
Purchase all kit items, except hand towels and towels, and drop your completed kits at our Church Office or in the Narthex on Sundays. Donations can be made toward the bulk purchase of hand towels and towels through our Ascension Philoptochos Venmo: @ascension-philotochos.
On Friday, April 15th, when we gather to fold palms for Palm Sunday we will also prepare to ship the donated kits to IOCC so that they can be disbursed as needed in Ukraine.