Ascension Parea Groups

Parea (pronounced pah-REH-ah): A cherished Greek word for friendship, togetherness, and joyful camaraderie.

We’re excited you’re here!

Whether you're a newcomer to Ascension or simply seeking to stay in the know about our youth events and programs, you're in the right spot.

About Ascension Parea Groups

Parea Groups is a monthly gathering of young Orthodox Christians from various Ascension youth ministries, coming together about once a month during the school year. Current members can view their TeamSnap Parea Group for specific details.

New Members or Existing Members Not in a Parea TeamSnap Group: To join the Ascension Parea Group Events, please email us at to be added to TeamSnap.

  • Infant/Toddler Parea

  • Preschool Parea

  • Elementary School HOPE + JOY | TK - 5th Grade

  • Middle School GOYA | 6th - 8th Grade

  • High School GOYA | 9th - 12th Grade

Explore Youth Ministries Tailored to Your Child's Age Group

At Ascension, we're dedicated to providing a well-rounded Orthodox Christian Youth Life Path experience that addresses the spiritual, social, and personal needs of our youth.

Browse our programs organized by age group and find the perfect fit for your child today!

  • (Ages 2 Years and Under Prior to August 1st)

    Provides an easy path for new and expecting parents to introduce Orthodoxy to their children, and a welcoming and supportive environment to explore the ministries, events and traditions of the community. Programs Include:

    • Infant/Toddler Parea Gatherings

  • (Ages 3 and 4 Years as of August 1st)

    Allows young families to firmly root their preschooler in Ascension life and community with age-appropriate programming and activities to strengthen connection and sustain engagement. Programs Include:

    • Preschool Parea Gatherings

    • HOPE (Holy Orthodox Primary Education)

    • Sunday School

  • Reinforces fellowship, friendship, community and heritage through activities that prioritize church, spirituality and character for elementary school kids while supporting them on their journey of discovering the Orthodox faith. Programs include:

    • Elementary Parea Gatherings

    • H.O.P.E (Holy Orthodox Primary Education)

    • Sunday School

    • Family Meal Ministry

    • Dance Ministry

    • Greek School

  • Reinforces fellowship, friendship, and community and heritage through activities that prioritize church, spirituality and character for elementary school kids while supporting them on their journey of discovering the Orthodox faith. Programs include:

    • Elementary Parea Gatherings

    • J.O.Y (Junior Orthodox Youth)

    • Sunday School

    • Alter Boys

    • Family Meal Ministry

    • Dance Ministry

    • Greek School

    • Summer Camp

    • OYAA Sports Ministry

    • Junior Choir

  • Creates the chance to bond with kids of the same age and older, the opportunity for self-expression and the ability to shine while learning about God’s teaching in a loving and fun environment.

    • Middle School Parea Events

    • Jr. GOYA

    • Sunday School

    • Alter Boys

    • Family Meal Ministry

    • Dance Ministry

    • Greek School

    • Summer Camp

    • OYAA Sports Ministry

    • Junior Choir

    • Church Reading

  • Provides a forum for connecting with God, making memories, building friendships and finding ways to make a difference while seeking guidance in relation to Orthodoxy and daily life.

    • High School Parea Gatherings

    • GOYA

    • Sunday School/Orthodox Life

    • Alter Boys

    • Family Meal Ministry

    • Dance Ministry

    • Greek School

    • Summer Camp

    • OYAA Sports Ministry

    • Junior Choir

    • Church Reading

Ascension’s Youth Life Path


“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6

ABOUT OUR Youth Council Committee

The Ascension Youth Council oversees Ascension’s Parea Groups. Established in 2021, the Youth Council is dedicated to serving and supporting the children and families in our community. Through extensive research and engagement with the youth, the Council has designed and implemented a variety of programs that nurture the growth of the Orthodox faith in an age-appropriate and meaningful manner.

For more information or to get in touch with the Ascension Youth Council, please email us at: