Youth Ministry, Creative Writing Project Fr. Nick Mueller Youth Ministry, Creative Writing Project Fr. Nick Mueller

Tell Us About It: A Lenten Creative Writing Project

Ascension Youth are invited to participate in a Lenten creative writing project to share their reflections on our Faith and the Lenten season with the wider community. Contributions are due Friday, April 16th (the 5th Friday of Lent) so that we can prepare a booklet for Holy Week. Please send all contributions to Fr. Nick Mueller ( Contributions can be submitted at any time before the deadline. Thank you for your participation and please find the prompts below! If you have an idea for a different creative project please contact Fr. Nick. If you would like to workshop your idea with Fr. Nick you can schedule a time to meet with him, or talk with him on Wednesday, April 7th at 4 PM.

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Ascension Youth are invited to participate in a Lenten creative writing project to share their reflections on our Faith and the Lenten season with the wider community. Contributions are due Friday, April 16th (the 5th Friday of Lent) so that we can prepare a booklet for Holy Week. Please send all contributions to Fr. Nick Mueller ( Contributions can be submitted at any time before the deadline. Thank you for your participation and please find the prompts below! If you have an idea for a different creative project please contact Fr. Nick. If you would like to workshop your idea with Fr. Nick you can schedule a time to meet with him, or talk with him on Wednesday, April 7th at 4 PM.

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Any age level can respond to these prompts:

  1. Service and good works are a key part of our spiritual life, and important theme in Great Lent. What do you think the role of the youth is in the Church? How do you serve Christ, and how can you be an example to your peers and our community? Share an example from the life of a saint that sets an example of service for you.

  2. Attend a Lenten Service (Great Compline, the Liturgy of the Pre-Sanctified Gifts, and Akathist) and offer a reflection on your experience. Why are these services important during Great Lent? What theme from the service stood out to you and impacted your experience of Great Lent?

  3. Discuss a spiritual practice you or your family has taken on during Great Lent (prayer, fasting or almsgiving). Tell us how you or your family does this practice and describe how it is has impacted you. Tell us about a saint who is an example to you in this practice.

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Spiritual poetry is everywhere in our Church. It makes up our services, our hymns, and prayers. Often their themes are repentance, thanksgiving or praising God. Think about what you would like to express to God. Look at examples of spiritual poetry and use them as a model for your own poem or write your own!

  1. Psalm 50/51

  2. On Holy Meekness and Angerlessness by Elder Athanasios of Grigoriou

  3. “O Divine Love,” A poem by St. Nektarios

  4. Possible Answers to Prayer by Scott Cairns

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Stories may be fiction or non-fiction, you can use the prompts below as inspiration.

  1. Tell us a short story that discusses one of the virtues: faith, hope, wisdom, honesty, humility, obedience, patience, courage, faithfulness, self-control, kindness or gratitude. You can read more about the virtues here.

  2. In your own words, tell us the story of a saint.

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Great Lent, Divine Services, 2021 Fr. Nick Mueller Great Lent, Divine Services, 2021 Fr. Nick Mueller

Forgiveness Vespers and Great Lent

This Sunday, March 14 at 5pm we will celebrate what is called Forgiveness Vespers. Throughout the service the hymns speak to us about the coming Lenten period and for forgiveness. Our Lord taught us in the Sermon on the Mount: For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father also will forgive you; but if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. (Matthew 6:14-15). Forgiveness is extremely important in our walk with Christ.

For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father also will forgive you…

(Matthew 6:14)

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When I was growing up once a month there was a special Sunday that the Sunday School children received Holy Communion. On our way out of the house we had a monthly ritual. As we left for Church, we, my brother and sister and I, would ask forgiveness of each other and of our parents. We would also kiss my father’s hand. In this way we were prepared (in addition to the fasting) to receive Holy Communion.

This Sunday, March 14 at 5pm we will celebrate what is called Forgiveness Vespers. Throughout the service the hymns speak to us about the coming Lenten period and for forgiveness. Our Lord taught us in the Sermon on the Mount: For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father also will forgive you; but if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. (Matthew 6:14-15). Forgiveness is extremely important in our walk with Christ.

At the end of the Sunday evening vespers, we will ask forgiveness of each other. With our current situation, it will be difficult to gather in the Cathedral and, as is the tradition, embrace each other and ask for forgiveness. Bot we can do this within our families and in our homes.

I invite and encourage you and your families to pray with us during the live streaming of the Forgiveness Vespers (5pm, see links below). Have an icon in the room with you. At the end of the service when prompted, ask forgiveness of one another and kissing each other on both cheeks. And ask for forgiveness and strength form our Lord and the intercessions of the Theotokos. If you are alone turn to the icons asking for forgiveness.

I pray this is a blessed Great Lent that gives the opportunity to further your faith and commitment to our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.

In Christ,

Fr. Tom

Service Schedule for the Week of March 15th

During Great Lent we offer various services to help increase and focus our prayer life. The first week of Great Lent services will be celebrated each evening at 6pm. We encourage, if you are able and well, to attend. If you are unable please join us via our live streaming. asee the schedule below.
For those who will attend the Presanctified Liturgy on wednesday evening, please try to fast from eating from your lunch time meal.

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Youth Ministry Fr. Nick Mueller Youth Ministry Fr. Nick Mueller

OrthoTalks Series Launched by Metropolis of San Francisco

A new online discussion group series for high school students is being launched by the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of San Francisco. Called “OrthoTalks”, the first series will focus on Lent. This six-part series will help teens in “Cultivating a Purposeful Life” and will address questions like, “Why am I here? What is the purpose of life?”

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Family Wellness Fr. Nick Mueller Family Wellness Fr. Nick Mueller

Coming Home to a Better Marriage

Join us for our
Spring/Lenten Series for couples

“Coming Home to a Better Marriage

Join us 6:30 pm on Zoom

Thursday, March 11 “How Couples Stay Connected”
– presented by George Papageorge & Fr. Vasili Hillhouse

Thursday, April 8 “One Fight, Two Winners”
– presented by Fr. Tom Tsagalakis

Thursday, May 13 “Stop the Insanity”
– presented by Fr. Timothy Pavlatos

New Metropolis of San Francisco Family Wellness Ministry program: Coming Home to a Better Marriage

Join us for our
Spring/Lenten Series for couples 

“Coming Home to a Better Marriage

Join us 6:30 pm on Zoom 

Thursday, March 11 “How Couples Stay Connected”
– presented by George Papageorge & Fr. Vasili Hillhouse

Thursday, April 8 “One Fight, Two Winners”
–  presented by Fr. Tom Tsagalakis

Thursday, May 13 “Stop the Insanity”
– presented by Fr. Timothy Pavlatos

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Stewardship, Prayer Team Fr. Nick Mueller Stewardship, Prayer Team Fr. Nick Mueller

First Meeting for the Ascension Prayer Team

Our Ascension Prayer Team will have their first meeting to discuss how you can get involved in praying for our community.

We will meet next Thursday, February 25th at 7 PM on Zoom, and we hope that you can join us!

You can learn more about the Prayer Team here and how to get involved or submit names for commemoration.

Our Ascension Prayer Team will have their first meeting to discuss how you can get involved in praying for our community.

We will meet next Thursday, February 25th at 7 PM on Zoom, and we hope that you can join us!

Join on Zoom here:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 846 4060 2811

You can learn more about the Prayer Team here and how to get involved or submit names for commemoration.

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COVID-19, Liturgical Services Fr. Nick Mueller COVID-19, Liturgical Services Fr. Nick Mueller

Ascension Cathedral Now Open for Indoor Services

Wonderful news! We are excited to announce the re-opening of the Cathedral for indoor liturgy!!

On Friday, February 5, 2021 the U.S. Supreme Court entered an emergency order prohibiting California from enforcing its ban on indoor worship in “purple” tier counties. Instead, the Court found a limit of 25% capacity to be appropriate. This order is effective immediately and applies throughout the State of California. Metropolitan Gerasimos set an encyclical (linked below) informing the parishes of the Metropolis of San Francisco in California as to this announcement. We were so excited to hear this that we opened the Cathedral immediately, this past Sunday, February 7th. Fr. Tom instructed the Parish Council members and ushers to allow those who had made reservations for the outdoor liturgy to come into the Cathedral. All the appropriate guidelines, including social distancing and wearing of masks were followed as we had done earlier in the Summer and Fall of 2020.


Dear Ascension Community,

Wonderful news! We are excited to announce the re-opening of the Cathedral for indoor liturgy!! 

On Friday, February 5, 2021 the U.S. Supreme Court entered an emergency order prohibiting California from enforcing its ban on indoor worship in “purple” tier counties. Instead, the Court found a limit of 25% capacity to be appropriate. This order is effective immediately and applies throughout the State of California. Metropolitan Gerasimos set an encyclical (linked below) informing the parishes of the Metropolis of San Francisco in California as to this announcement. We were so excited to hear this that we opened the Cathedral immediately, this past Sunday, February 7th. Fr. Tom instructed the Parish Council members and ushers to allow those who had made reservations for the outdoor liturgy to come into the Cathedral. All the appropriate guidelines, including social distancing and wearing of masks were followed as we had done earlier in the Summer and Fall of 2020.

The Parish Council met Wednesday, February 10th to discuss the re-opening of the Cathedral. At this time the configuration of the seating in the Cathedral will accommodate 140 people following the social distance guidelines. It was decided by the Parish Council that this Sunday, February 14th 100 congregants will be allowed in the Cathedral. Sunday, February 21st and 28th we will increase to 140 people. This will give the Parish Council time to assess the seating arrangements, and to increase the number to as close to the 25% as is safe. We will continue to follow the guidelines as explained below. To ensure everyone's safety, at the very end of the service after announcements, Holy Communion will be distributed. Antidoron will be pre-bagged and available as parishioners are exiting the Cathedral.

We will also continue to do Memorials and other services at the end of the divine liturgy. The Koliva (boiled wheat) will not be shared due to safety issues. However if there is an Artoklasia, it will be placed in bags like the antidoron.

We will continue to comply with the county guidelines practicing social distancing, and wearing face coverings. Also, as per the Metropolitan’s request, attendance is reserved for our Ascension parishioners only at this time. This number does not include clergy, cantor and ushers. In order to attend you must reserve your spot using the link that is emailed weekly.

We are very excited to welcome you back into the Cathedral! We have missed you and are looking forward to seeing you in person. Your physical health and safety as well as your spiritual health is our top priority, all the steps we are taking are in consideration of your well being. If you are not feeling well or have health conditions that make you more vulnerable, we ask you to continue to enjoy services from home via the live streaming.

We ask for your patience during this time and encourage you to take a moment and review the FAQs (attached). If you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to reach out.

We will continue to update you as information and guidance becomes available. We appreciate your patience and understanding at this time and look forward to seeing each of you soon!

In Christ’s service and yours,

The Ascension Parish Council

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Youth Ministry Fr. Nick Mueller Youth Ministry Fr. Nick Mueller

New Youth Ministry Instagram!

Follow our new Youth Ministry Instagram account @ascensionyouthministry!

Keeping up-to-date is tough, so just be reminded as you scroll! You can keep up today with youth and young adult ministry news and events here, and ask questions if you need to know more about an event.

Follow our new Youth Ministry Instagram account @ascensionyouthministry!

Keeping up-to-date is tough, so follow our new account so that you can be reminded as you scroll! Through our new account can keep up today with youth and young adult ministry news and events here, and ask questions if you need to know more about an event.

Post-by-post we hope to fill up your timeline with something better to scroll through!

In Christ,

Fr. Nick

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Youth Ministry, Sunday School Fr. Nick Mueller Youth Ministry, Sunday School Fr. Nick Mueller

Virtual Sunday School Program: A Lenten Journey to Great and Holy Pascha

As we continue through this unique period of the pandemic, we continue to look for opportunities to adapt our youth ministry programs to the current conditions. It is important, as ever, for our families to remain connected to the life of the Church. Many of our families have been missing the consistency and educational opportunity of Sunday School, but we are please to announce that there is a wonderful opportunity our community has been invited to participate in:

“A Lenten Journey to Great and Holy Pascha” is an 11-week virtual youth Religious Education program created by the Orthodox Youth Mentorship Program of Saint Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church, Camarillo (under the direction of Father Gary Kyriacou) and sponsored by the Christian Education Ministry of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of San Francisco.  

All students in the San Francisco metropolis, grades Pre-Kindergarten through 8th grade, may sign up to participate.  This program will cover key themes of the liturgical cycle beginning with the Triodion, continuing into Great Lent, through Holy Week and concluding with Holy Pascha.  A team of volunteer teachers will engage students with lessons, activities, and service projects. 

This program will take place live via Zoom.  High school and college students will participate as mentors and activity leaders.  

The program dates are February 21st through Friday, April 30th.  Virtual classes will meet each Sunday at 12:30 for approximately one hour (slightly less for younger students). The final meeting will take place on Great and Holy Friday (April 30th).   

There is no cost to attend, but registration is required.  The registration deadline is Friday, February 5.
Please contact Program Coordinator Maria Tangalos with any questions:

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PAOI Fr. Nick Mueller PAOI Fr. Nick Mueller

Patriarch Athenagoras Orthodox Institute Vasilopita Cutting

His Eminence Metropolitan TARASIOS invites you to virtually attend the Patriarch Athenagoras vasilopita cutting on Tuesday, January 19th at 6:30 PM. Join His Eminence as the PAOI community offers prayers for the ministry and well-being of its staff, students, benefactors and members of the UC Berkeley OCF.

His Eminence Metropolitan Tarasios of Rhodopolis, Director of Patriarch Athenagoras Institute, cordially invites Hierarchs, Priests, Past and Present Members of the PAOI Board, Past and Present UC Berkeley OCF students and all Orthodox faithful to the Traditional Vasilopita prayers and celebration.

The Vasilopita will be offered Tuesday, January 19th at 6:30 PM and be live streamed from St. Demetrios Chapel at the PAOI.

To join use the Zoom ID: 914 8007 8000

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Greek School Fr. Nick Mueller Greek School Fr. Nick Mueller

New Beginning Greek Class for Adults

A new Beginning Greek language class will be offered remotely over Zoom from 6:30 - 8:00 PM on Tuesdays. A Thursday class may be added if there are more than 7 students per class. The textbook for the course will be Modern Greek (Νέα Ελληνικά) by Papaloizos. If you are interested in enrolling please contact Efy Kokkinidou via email and indicate which day (Tuesday or Thursday) you prefer.

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Thank you very much for your interest for the Greek language!

The new Beginners class will be offered remotely over Zoom from 6:30 - 8:00 PM on Tuesdays. A Thursday class may be added if there are more than 7 students per class. The textbook for the course will be Modern Greek (Νέα Ελληνικά) by Papaloizos. If you are interested in enrolling please contact Efy Kokkinidou via email and indicate which day (Tuesday or Thursday) you prefer.

To enroll for the course please complete the registration form, and send payment to our church office. The text book is available for purchase in the church office and the tuition for the semester is $500. Following registration you will receive the zoom number so you will attend the class.

We look forward to seeing you in class soon!

Eftychia and Alexandros Kokkinidou

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Philoptochos, Fundraiser Fr. Nick Mueller Philoptochos, Fundraiser Fr. Nick Mueller

See's Candy and Tsoureki Available through Philoptochos

Two Great Ways to Support our Philoptochos and Show Your Appreciation for Your Loved Ones


See’s Candy

It’s time for our annual See’s Candies fundraiser. These are a perfect hostess/teacher gift or
Christmas gift for all the special children in your life. Help support Ascension Philoptochos while treating those you care about!

Choose from one of the two items to the left. Both boxes are $8.00 each.

Immediate curbside pick-up or delivery available. Quantities are limited – order today!
Please contact Zoe Vlahiotis at (925)286-6749 or, or Maria Delvizis at (925)413-5226 or to make arrangements.


Ascension Philoptochos is taking orders for Christmas Tsoureki  made by Glyka Sweets. Please place your order by Friday, December 18th.

To order Call Jane Silva at 925-376-6049 or via at email

Tsoureki is $15.00 each      

Payable to: Ascension Philoptochos



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Philoptochos Fr. Nick Mueller Philoptochos Fr. Nick Mueller

Philoptochos Christmas Poinsettias

This Nativity Season help decorate our Cathedral, remember your loved ones and assist those in need by donating a poinsettia. You can participate by make a donation of any amount. The funds you donate help cover the cost of the poinsettias and helps the poor in our community. We will be accepting donations through Christmas Eve.

This Nativity Season help decorate our Cathedral, remember your loved ones and assist those in need by donating a poinsettia. You can participate by make a donation of any amount. The funds you donate help cover the cost of the poinsettias and helps the poor in our community. We will be accepting donations through Christmas Eve.

Please click the link to the right to submit names of your loved ones so that they can be remembered by our priests during the Divine Services for Christmas and Epiphany.

Donations can be offered via check or through our parish Venmo account (@ascension-cathedral) noting Poinsettias, or please make checks payable to Ascension Philoptochos, noting Poinsettias in the memo and mail to:

Ascension Philoptochos

4700 Lincoln Ave

Oakland, CA 94602

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Community Events, General Assembly Fr. Nick Mueller Community Events, General Assembly Fr. Nick Mueller

Virtual Parish General Assembly December 13th

Dear Members of Ascension Cathedral,

The Regular Parish Assembly is scheduled for December 13, 2020 after Divine Liturgy, at 1:00 pm.

Due to Covid-19 restrictions this will be held via ZOOM only. If you would like to participate in the General Assembly meeting, please click the link and register. You will be emailed the link for the Zoom, 24 hours before the meeting. As a reminder, only members in good standing are eligible to participate.

If you are receiving this via mail, please email to register. Your attendance and thoughtful input is kindly requested.

Dear Members of Ascension Cathedral, 

The Regular Parish Assembly is scheduled for December 13, 2020 after Divine Liturgy, at 1:00 pm. 

Due to Covid-19 restrictions this will be held via ZOOM only. If you would like to participate in the General Assembly meeting, please click the link and register. You will be emailed the link for the Zoom, 24 hours before the meeting. As a reminder, only members in good standing are eligible to participate. 

If you are receiving this via mail, please email to register. Your attendance and thoughtful input is kindly requested. 


1. Call to Order and Invocation 

2. Election of Parish Assembly Chairman and Parliamentarian 

3. Approval of Minutes of Parish Assembly meeting held on December 8, 2019 4. Priest’s Report 

5. President’s Report 

6. Financial Report 

7. Budget 2021 (enclosed with mailing) 

8. New Business 

a. Clergy Pension Resolution 

9. Adjournment

Anastasios G Konstantin, Parish Council President

Athanasia Yfantis, Parish Council Secretary

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Community Events, Dance Ministy Fr. Nick Mueller Community Events, Dance Ministy Fr. Nick Mueller

2nd Annual Angel Tree

The Ascension Dance Ministry invites you to help light up the lives of families less fortunate, by providing gifts for some families in local shelters. We teamed up with FESCO (Family Emergency Shelter Coalition) who helps support homeless families and move them from crisis to stability. Through FESCO, we were given two families. Both are single mothers with 2 children who are trying to get back on their feet. Our goal is to try and provide 4-5 gifts for each person.

“Hope for the Holidays”

The Ascension Dance Ministry invites you to help light up the lives of families less fortunate, by providing gifts for some families in local shelters. We teamed up with FESCO (Family Emergency Shelter Coalition) who helps support homeless families and move them from crisis to stability.  Through FESCO,  we were given two families. Both are single mothers with 2 children who are trying to get back on their feet. Our goal is to try and provide 4-5 gifts for each person. 

If you would like to participate, simply sign up for one or more of the gifts on our SignUpGenius. Please return wrapped and labeled gifts to the church by Friday, December 11. If it is more convenient to drop off in Castro Valley or Lafayette, we can also arrange that, just let us know.

For questions, please contact:
Maria Woods at 925-408-6300 or
Athanasia Yfantis at 510-913-6118 

Merry Christmas and God Bless!

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Philoptochos Fr. Nick Mueller Philoptochos Fr. Nick Mueller

Philoptochos Christmas Fundraiser

Please join us for our one-and-only Christmas fundraiser! This is a cause that is very special to us, since it benefits needy students in MDUSD! Mount Diablo Unified School District includes the cities of Walnut Creek, Concord, Martinez and Bay Point. We are asking for monetary donations from $1 - $25 to help our Homeless Outreach Program for Education (HOPE) students have a special, warm and safe holiday season.


Dear Philoptochos Society and Ascension Community,

The Greek Orthodox Ladies Philoptochos Society is a non-profit organization affiliated to the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. It is one of the largest Christian women's philanthropic organizations in America. The word Philoptochos means friend of the needy. Since its inception, the Greek Orthodox Ladies Philoptochos Society has embodied and exemplified Christian stewardship in every area of its involvement. 

Please join us for our one-and-only Christmas fundraiser! This is a cause that is very special to us, since it benefits needy students in MDUSD! Mount Diablo Unified School District includes the cities of Walnut Creek, Concord, Martinez and Bay Point. We are asking for monetary donations from $1 - $25 to help our Homeless Outreach Program for Education (HOPE) students have a special, warm and safe holiday season.  

There are two ways to donate. You may give any amount directly to our Ascension Venmo: @Ascension-Cathedral account, and we will purchase gift cards and deliver on December 4. Please clearly note “HOPE” or “Philoptochos.” Alternately, you may drop off or mail a gift card to Ascension Cathedral, c/o Zoe Vlahiotis from the stores below by December 3rd and we will personally deliver them the next day. The HOPE program is requesting gift cards from the following places where kids can purchase something just for themselves: Target, Walmart, 99cents, Dollar Tree, Old Navy, GAP, or any Fast Food Restaurants. Please give in denominations of $25, with the amount clearly marked on the cards with a Sharpie so recipients know how much is available for them to spend. Please make any donations by December 3, since we need to deliver December 4.

If you need any additional information, please feel free to call or email me.  Thank you for helping us help kids in MDUSD! We appreciate your love and support! Merry Christmas to you and your families!


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Zoe Vlahiotis, President of Philoptochos

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Youth Ministry Fr. Nick Mueller Youth Ministry Fr. Nick Mueller

Virtual Bay Area GOYA "Lock-In" 12/4 and 12/5

Join us for the Virtual Bay Area GOYA "Lock-In" on Friday, December 4 and Saturday, December 5! Get excited for a weekend of fun virtual gatherings, and a surprise "Take-Home Kit"! This is open to all 6th - 12th graders. Please register by Sunday, November 29th!

GOYAns and GOYA Parents,

Join us for the Virtual Bay Area GOYA "Lock-In" on Friday, December 4 and Saturday, December 5! Get excited for a weekend of fun virtual gatherings, and a surprise "Take-Home Kit"! This is open to all 6th - 12th graders. Please register by Sunday, November 29th!

7:00-8:30 PM via Zoom, VIRTUAL
-Akathist of Thanksgiving
-Cookie Decorating Contest


3:00-4:30 PM via Zoom, VIRTUAL

-Games - Family Feud or Among Us

To be followed by Camp-Style Vespers for St. Nicholas



It's completely FREE! When you register you will get access to the Zoom meetings and also be registered for a take-home kit for the retreat. Please register by Sunday, November 29th!


Pick up your retreat kit at Ascension Cathedral in Oakland on Wednesday, December 2nd or Thursday, December 3rd from 3-5 PM. If you can't make it, just let Anna Teodosiadis or Fr. Nick Mueller know, and we will make arrangements for you.


This is optional. You can just follow along, or sign up to help chant or read.

-Akathist of Thanksgiving (Friday, Dec 4) Sign up: CLICK HERE

-Vespers of St. Nicholas (Saturday, Dec 5) Sign up: CLICK HERE


Anna Teodosiadis:

Fr. Nick Mueller:

We ask that you prayerfully consider a donation to our Church. Donations can be made via Venmo @ascension-cathedral or via check. Please note GOYA Lock-In in your donation. Thank you, be well and God bless you and your family.

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Liturgical Services, COVID-19 Fr. Nick Mueller Liturgical Services, COVID-19 Fr. Nick Mueller

Ascension Cathedral Returns to Outdoor Services Sunday 11/22

Sunday services will be held outdoors on Sunday, November 22nd as per Alameda County Guidelines. Please dress warm as we are now approaching the winter season. We will continue having one service starting inside for the live streaming that starts at 8:30am. If you would like to attend live outdoor services on Sunday, that service starts at 10am and finishes by 11:30am.

Sunday services will be held outdoors on Sunday, November 22nd as per Alameda County Guidelines. Please dress warm as we are now approaching the winter season. We will continue having one service starting inside for the live streaming that starts at 8:30am. If you would like to attend live outdoor services on Sunday, that service starts at 10am and finishes by 11:30am.

Please make sure to reserve a spot each week before attending via the instructions below. To comply with county guidelines we are limiting attendance to 80 parishioners, practicing social distancing, and wearing face coverings.

To attend you must reserve your spot using the following link: Reserve your spot for Sunday
Once you fill out the form, you will receive an email confirmation that you are registered. We are also accepting phone call reservations at 510-531-3400, however we encourage you to use the reservation form. Please make your reservations by 4:00 pm Thursday, November 19th.

Your health and safety as well as your spiritual health is our top priority, all the steps we are taking are in consideration of your well being. If you are not feeling well or have health conditions that make you more vulnerable, we ask you to continue to enjoy services from home via the live streaming.

Please click the link for more information about what to expect on Sunday as well as the list of questions you will be asked when you come.

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Liturgical Services, COVID-19 Fr. Nick Mueller Liturgical Services, COVID-19 Fr. Nick Mueller

Ascension Cathedral Reopens for Indoor Services

Great news! We are excited to announce the re-reopening of the Cathedral!!! In accordance with the most recent Alameda County update from last week, we can once again assemble for worship in the Cathedral with a limited capacity. We will continue with our reservation process which is now open for this Sunday, November 1st.

Great news! We are excited to announce the re-reopening of the Cathedral!!!  In accordance with the most recent Alameda County update from last week, we can once again assemble for worship in the Cathedral with a limited capacity. We will continue with our reservation process which is now open for this Sunday, November 1st.

Please make sure to reserve a spot each week before attending via the instructions below. To comply with county guidelines we are limiting attendance to 80 parishioners, practicing social distancing, and wearing face coverings. 

To attend you must reserve your spot using the following link: Reserve your spot for this Sunday Once you fill out the form, you will receive an email confirmation that you are registered.  We are also accepting phone call reservations at 510-531-3400, however we encourage you to use the reservation form. Please make your reservations by 4:00 pm Thursday, October 29th. 

Your health and safety as well as your spiritual health is our top priority, all the steps we are taking are in consideration of your well being.  If you are not feeling well or have health conditions that make you more vulnerable, we ask you to continue to enjoy services from home via the live streaming. 

Please click the link for more information about what to expect on Sunday as well as the list of questions you will be asked when you come.

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Great Vespers at PAOI for St. Demetrios the Great Martyr and Myrrh-Streamer

God-Appointed Hierarchs, Reverend Clergy, Beloved Stewards of Ascension Cathedral,

His Eminence Metropolitan TARASIOS of Rhodopolis, Director of the Patriarch Athenagoras Orthodox Institute (PAOI), cordially invites you to Great Vespers for St. Demetrios the Great Martyr and Myrrh-Streamer on Tuesday, October 27th at 6 PM. The Great Vespers will be broadcast over Zoom (please use Zoom code 917 0584 2601) to join.

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God-Appointed Hierarchs, Reverend Clergy, Beloved Stewards of Ascension Cathedral,

His Eminence Metropolitan TARASIOS of Rhodopolis, Director of the Patriarch Athenagoras Orthodox Institute (PAOI), cordially invites you to Great Vespers for St. Demetrios the Great Martyr and Myrrh-Streamer on Tuesday, October 27th at 6 PM. The Great Vespers will be broadcast over Zoom (please use Zoom code 917 0584 2601) to join.

His Eminence would especially like to invite the young adults and young professionals of our community and beyond. For many years, the PAOI has offered a unique ministry for young adults through their Orthodox Campus Fellowship ministry. Meeting on Tuesday evenings during the academic year, this ministry offers PAOI and UC Berkeley students the opportunity to attend Divine Liturgy at the St. Demetrios Chapel, dinner, and a discussion lead by His Eminence Metropolitan TARASIOS, clergy, faculty and other guest speakers.

The PAOI is a member of the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, California. It is directly under the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. The PAOI represents the various canonical Orthodox Christian jurisdictions in the country and educates, promotes, and sustains Orthodox traditions, values, teachings, and culture.

We offer our continued prayers for the ministry of the Patriarch Athenagoras Orthodox Institute, His Eminence Metropolitan TARASIOS, and its faculty, staff and students as they celebrate their feast day! 

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