Ascension Cathedral Now Open for Indoor Services


Dear Ascension Community,

Wonderful news! We are excited to announce the re-opening of the Cathedral for indoor liturgy!! 

On Friday, February 5, 2021 the U.S. Supreme Court entered an emergency order prohibiting California from enforcing its ban on indoor worship in “purple” tier counties. Instead, the Court found a limit of 25% capacity to be appropriate. This order is effective immediately and applies throughout the State of California. Metropolitan Gerasimos set an encyclical (linked below) informing the parishes of the Metropolis of San Francisco in California as to this announcement. We were so excited to hear this that we opened the Cathedral immediately, this past Sunday, February 7th. Fr. Tom instructed the Parish Council members and ushers to allow those who had made reservations for the outdoor liturgy to come into the Cathedral. All the appropriate guidelines, including social distancing and wearing of masks were followed as we had done earlier in the Summer and Fall of 2020.

The Parish Council met Wednesday, February 10th to discuss the re-opening of the Cathedral. At this time the configuration of the seating in the Cathedral will accommodate 140 people following the social distance guidelines. It was decided by the Parish Council that this Sunday, February 14th 100 congregants will be allowed in the Cathedral. Sunday, February 21st and 28th we will increase to 140 people. This will give the Parish Council time to assess the seating arrangements, and to increase the number to as close to the 25% as is safe. We will continue to follow the guidelines as explained below. To ensure everyone's safety, at the very end of the service after announcements, Holy Communion will be distributed. Antidoron will be pre-bagged and available as parishioners are exiting the Cathedral.

We will also continue to do Memorials and other services at the end of the divine liturgy. The Koliva (boiled wheat) will not be shared due to safety issues. However if there is an Artoklasia, it will be placed in bags like the antidoron.

We will continue to comply with the county guidelines practicing social distancing, and wearing face coverings. Also, as per the Metropolitan’s request, attendance is reserved for our Ascension parishioners only at this time. This number does not include clergy, cantor and ushers. In order to attend you must reserve your spot using the link that is emailed weekly.

We are very excited to welcome you back into the Cathedral! We have missed you and are looking forward to seeing you in person. Your physical health and safety as well as your spiritual health is our top priority, all the steps we are taking are in consideration of your well being. If you are not feeling well or have health conditions that make you more vulnerable, we ask you to continue to enjoy services from home via the live streaming.

We ask for your patience during this time and encourage you to take a moment and review the FAQs (attached). If you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to reach out.

We will continue to update you as information and guidance becomes available. We appreciate your patience and understanding at this time and look forward to seeing each of you soon!

In Christ’s service and yours,

The Ascension Parish Council


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