Prayer Team

Get involved, offer a prayer

Join our Prayer Team

Help us fulfill St. Paul’s direction to “pray ceaselessly” (1 Thess. 5:16-18). Members of our prayer team will for the strengthening and progress of all the parish ministries, leaders, volunteers, parishioners of the Ascension Cathedral, their friends and extended families, our priests and hierarchs everywhere.

To join the team simply sign up by emailing the Prayer Team at When you join you will be given a day of the week to offer prayers for those in need. At midday, offer the midday prayers and commemorate those in need, living and departed.

The Prayer Team will also meet twice a month to offer an intercessory service for the needs of the community.

Monthly Meetings

During our monthly meetings we continue to develop our prayer life through discussion and the on-going study of the lives of the saints. Our meetings are currently on Zoom, the 3rd Tuesday of the month, at 7:30 PM.

Offer Names for commemoration

If you would like to offer names of the living or departed for commemoration please submit them to the Prayer Team email: