Tell Us About It: A Lenten Creative Writing Project

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Ascension Youth are invited to participate in a Lenten creative writing project to share their reflections on our Faith and the Lenten season with the wider community. Contributions are due Friday, April 16th (the 5th Friday of Lent) so that we can prepare a booklet for Holy Week. Please send all contributions to Fr. Nick Mueller ( Contributions can be submitted at any time before the deadline. Thank you for your participation and please find the prompts below! If you have an idea for a different creative project please contact Fr. Nick. If you would like to workshop your idea with Fr. Nick you can schedule a time to meet with him, or talk with him on Wednesday, April 7th at 4 PM.

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Any age level can respond to these prompts:

  1. Service and good works are a key part of our spiritual life, and important theme in Great Lent. What do you think the role of the youth is in the Church? How do you serve Christ, and how can you be an example to your peers and our community? Share an example from the life of a saint that sets an example of service for you.

  2. Attend a Lenten Service (Great Compline, the Liturgy of the Pre-Sanctified Gifts, and Akathist) and offer a reflection on your experience. Why are these services important during Great Lent? What theme from the service stood out to you and impacted your experience of Great Lent?

  3. Discuss a spiritual practice you or your family has taken on during Great Lent (prayer, fasting or almsgiving). Tell us how you or your family does this practice and describe how it is has impacted you. Tell us about a saint who is an example to you in this practice.

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Spiritual poetry is everywhere in our Church. It makes up our services, our hymns, and prayers. Often their themes are repentance, thanksgiving or praising God. Think about what you would like to express to God. Look at examples of spiritual poetry and use them as a model for your own poem or write your own!

  1. Psalm 50/51

  2. On Holy Meekness and Angerlessness by Elder Athanasios of Grigoriou

  3. “O Divine Love,” A poem by St. Nektarios

  4. Possible Answers to Prayer by Scott Cairns

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Stories may be fiction or non-fiction, you can use the prompts below as inspiration.

  1. Tell us a short story that discusses one of the virtues: faith, hope, wisdom, honesty, humility, obedience, patience, courage, faithfulness, self-control, kindness or gratitude. You can read more about the virtues here.

  2. In your own words, tell us the story of a saint.


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