Funeral Services for Rev. Fr. Thomas J. Paris

Beloved Ascension Parishioners,

As we prepare to offer prayers for the servant of God, Anastasios the Presbyter, our beloved Fr. Tom, who has fallen asleep in the Lord, no doubt we are all recalling the profound impact he made in our lives through his faith and love. As St. Paul guides us, “Remember your leaders, those who spoke the word of God to you; consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith” (Hebrews 13:7). Please also continue to keep Presbytera Vaso and the Paris family in your prayers. 

Also, keep in mind the following:

Prior to Arriving for Services on Friday or Saturday

COVID Guidelines: Due to the emergence of the Covid-19 Delta variant, which is much more transmissible than previous forms of the virus, the Alameda County Public Health Department has issued a new Order requiring masks for all individuals over the age of 2 in public indoor settings. The full press release is available here.

Parking & Transportation: Reserved handicapped parking will be on the third floor of the Parking Pavilion. Additional parking will be available at the Mormon Temple Lot. Please carpool and do not leave any valuables in your car. Shuttle service will be available both from the Mormon Parking Lot and to the Interment on Saturday.

Live Stream: All the services, including the interment, will be live streamed and will be available on our parish website, Facebook LIVE and YouTube Channel. Additionally, you will be able to listen to an audio stream of the service on the Platia during the services, or watch the Live Stream in the Fr. Tom Paris Event Center or in the Richmond Room.

Offering Respects: If you would like to offer your final respects to Fr. Tom, please do so on Friday from 4 PM to 6 PM or you may continue after the Trisagion. There will be very limited time to offer your respects on Saturday. The Cathedral will remain open until everyone has had the opportunity to pay their respects on Friday evening.

Trisagion - Friday, August 13th

The Cathedral will open at 4 PM for viewing until 6 PM. At 6 PM the Trisagion will be presided by His Eminence Metropolitan Gerasimos, His Grace Bishop Spyridon, and His Grace Bishop Ioannis and clergy. After the Trisagion and eulogies, a coffee hour will be hosted on the Platia by the Philoptochos. The family kindly requests that you refrain from greeting them in the Cathedral.

Funeral - Saturday, August 14th

On Saturday, Matins will begin at 7 AM followed immediately by the Divine Liturgy celebrated by Rev. Fr. James Paris and Rev. Fr. Paul Paris, Rev. Fr. Thomas J. Paris’ two sons. Following the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy there will be a brief opportunity to pay your final respects to Fr. Tom. Please note, this opportunity will be very limited, no more than an hour.

The Funeral will begin at 10 AM. His Eminence Metropolitan Gerasimos. Once the Funeral concludes all the congregation will be asked to exit the Cathedral. You will not be able to pay your respects or greet the family at this time. Those in the side pews will exit the side doors and those in the middle pews will exit out the front doors. Please stand along the red carpet as we process to the hearse.

For more information and to make a donation please visit our parish website.

We are thankful for your prayers, support and assistance in this time. May Fr. Tom’s memory be eternal and may God grant him rest.

In the Resurrected Christ,

Fr. Tom & Fr. Nick


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