Sunday School and Youth Ministry Kick-Off Oct. 3rd

Family Sunday Fun Day October 3.png

Sunday School and Youth Ministry Kick-Off Oct. 3rd

Come help us kick off The Ascension Youth Ministry Season on Sunday, October 3rd. Join us, as we welcome the kids back for their  first day of Sunday School, plant a tree in memory of Father Tom Paris, and enjoy some food, fellowship, and fun on the Platia.  

$5.00 per person for a cheeseburger or hotdog bbq. Drinks and dessert will also be for sale. Some games include: corn hole, bounce house, pogo stick racing, bowling, football/baseball throw, face painting, chalk art, photo booth, and bubble fun!

If you are interested in volunteering to help set up or clean up, please click the link. Volunteer here!

Come help us kick off The Ascension Youth Ministry Season on Sunday, October 3rd. Join us, as we welcome the kids back for their  first day of Sunday School, plant a tree in memory of Father Tom Paris, and enjoy some food, fellowship, and fun on the Platia.  

$5.00 per person for a cheeseburger or hotdog bbq. Drinks and dessert will also be for sale. Some games include: corn hole, bounce house, pogo stick racing, bowling, football/baseball throw, face painting, chalk art, photo booth, and bubble fun!

If you are interested in volunteering to help set up or clean up, please click the link.

We look forward to welcoming back our community to Sunday School on Sunday, October 3rd! 

Sunday School will meet the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the Month. Our theme for our 2021 - 2022 Sunday School year is "Our Church. Our Home." Our bi-monthly class sessions will explore this theme and offer our parents and families ways to deepen the practice of their Faith in their home and at church. We are also expanding the music component of our program both through congregational singing and in our class meetings. On the other Sundays of the month, families will worship together for the entire Divine Liturgy as part of our larger Ascension community, helping our children feel more "at home" in church during Liturgy.

This year Sunday School will be adapted to respond to COVID Guidelines and ensure the safety of our youth and teachers by meeting outdoors, weather permitting. 


Tots & Parents: Age 0-3/Preschool - One parent/grown-up present (maybe a yiayia or papou).

Group 1: Pre-K/TK & Kindergarten (Parents/Caregivers asked to participate with children. Parent/Teacher gauge child’s independence.)--Outdoors or Richmond Room

Group 2: Grades 1-3--Outdoors or Large Hall

Group 3: Grades 4-5--Outdoors or Large Hall

Group 4: Middle School Grades 6-8 (Double Classroom in Educational Building)

Group 5: High School Grades 9-12 (Conference Room)


Encountering the Divine Liturgy


OrthoTalks for Teens