Fr. Nick Mueller Fr. Nick Mueller

Bay Area GOYA Lenten Retreat

On Friday, March 14 through Sunday, March 16 our Middle and High School youth will have an incredible opportunity to participate in a Lenten Retreat with other Bay Area Greek Orthodox Christians! This retreat will be held at the Nature Bridge Retreat Center in the Marin Headlands, and be facilitated by Bay Area clergy, including Fr. Nick. We look forward to a great weekend of bonding, reflection and spiritual growth which we know is so necessary for our life in Christ.

Ascension Cathedral will have an informational session on Wednesday, February 5th on Zoom at 7 PM to discuss the retreat and answer any questions parents or youth may have about participating. You can join the Zoom session here:

Registration is open and will close on March 7th—please register online here! More information about the retreat is available through the link, as well.

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Fr. Nick Mueller Fr. Nick Mueller

Fr. Thomas J. Zaferes 40th Anniversary Celebration

On October 29th we will honor Fr. Tom with a celebration for the 40th Anniversary of His Ordination to the Priesthood. Axios! Learn more and RSVP here.

Let your priests be clothed with righteousness,

    and let your faithful shout for joy.  - Psalm 132:9

Honorable Hierarchs, Reverend Clergy, Beloved Parishioners,

Christ is in our midst!

This fall our community has the blessing to celebrate a monumental milestone. On Sunday, October 29th we will celebrate the 40th Anniversary of Rev. Fr. Athanasios J. Zaferes’ ordination the Holy Priesthood. Following Divine Liturgy on Sunday, October 29th you will have the opportunity to attend a luncheon in our hall honoring Fr. Tom and his family. Please make a reservation for this upcoming celebration by making a reservation here or contacting our office. We look forward to welcoming visiting hierarchs, clergy, family and friends on this beautiful occasion.

Throughout the past 40 years Fr. Tom has faithfully served Christ and His Church across the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese. For the past 14 years we have had the blessing of Fr. Tom’s ministry and spiritual leadership at Ascension Cathedral.

The Priesthood is a high-calling and multifaceted vocation (Hebrews 5:4). St. John of Kronstadt meditates on this writing:

“Every priest is an apostle in his parish, and out to go about preaching the kingdom of God, instructing the ignorant, awakening the careless, encouraging the devout, strengthening and comforting the dowcast.” 

In all these aspects Fr. Tom has excelled. Many of us have benefitted from his exhaustive knowledge of scripture and Church history, found ourselves moved and convicted by his preaching, and been comforted by his attentive presence when we are struggling or sick or experiencing the loss of a loved one. Yet, as Metropolitan Kallistos Ware of blessed memory observes (and Fr. Tom, no doubt would be quick to affirm), “the priesthood is always Christ’s not ours.” The priest exists to make Christ present. 

“‘It is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit who perform everything, teaches St John Chrysostom (d. 407); ‘but the priest lends his tongue and supplies his hand.… It is not man who causes the bread and wine to become Christ’s Body and Blood: this is done by Christ himself, crucified for our sakes. The priest stands before us, doing what Christ did and speaking the words that he spoke; but the power and grace are from God’” (Ware).

Therefore, as we honor Fr. Tom, we should also give glory to Christ our God, for the Mystery of the Holy Priesthood through which He continues to care for His creation.

Once again, please take the opportunity to make a reservation for this important occasion in the life of our Church, and to recognize Fr. Tom and his family for their faithful example and humble service.

May God grant Fr. Tom many more years of blessed service to the Church. Axios!

In Christ,

Fr. Nick Mueller

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Fr. Nick Mueller Fr. Nick Mueller

Maui Devastated by Three Concurrent Fires

No doubt as many of us are aware, the island of Maui has been devastated in recent days by fires. We ask that you continue to keep those in Maui in your prayers as well as the members of the mission parish in Maui. If you would like to support the Mission in Maui during this trying time and their relief efforts please follow the link below.

No doubt as many of us are aware, the island of Maui has been devastated in recent days by fires. We ask that you continue to keep those in Maui in your prayers as well as the members of the mission parish in Maui. If you would like to support the Mission in Maui during this trying time and their relief efforts please follow the link below.

Prayer for Maui

O Lord Our God, Whose peace surpasses all understanding and Whose grace and mercy abound, send down your Holy Spirit to comfort those who are suffering in mind, body, and spirit as a result of the devastating fires in our Metropolis,  and throughout the world.  We ask that You stretch forth Your mighty hand during these days, steadying us by Your love, compassion, and peace. Grant strength to those who are fighting these fires, calm the winds, and open the heavens so that rain may pour forth and cease further destruction. We especially ask for Your blessings and protection upon all those who have fled their homes and livelihood, that they may be spared injury, and that their lives may be preserved. May You, through the intercessions of our Most Holy Lady the Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary whose Dormition we will celebrate, grant peaceful repose to those whose lives have been lost, as well as comfort to those who are grieving. For You are a merciful and loving God, and to You we give Glory, to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, now and forever, and to the ages of ages. Amen. 

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2023, Panagyri, Youth Council, Youth Ministry Fr. Nick Mueller 2023, Panagyri, Youth Council, Youth Ministry Fr. Nick Mueller

Youth Council 2023 - 2024 Ministry Update

Our new Youth Ministry year begins in August, and we are looking forward to what this year will hold for our youth! The goal of our youth ministry is to provide spiritual formation for our youth and to build lasting relationships with their peers and Christ’s Church. We firmly believe that our youth are a critical part of our community, and are capable of incredible works through God’s grace and love. St. Paul inspires us by writing: “Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity (1 Tim. 4:12). It is our responsibility to open up possibilities for our youth to grow, serve and shine for the light of Christ.

Beloved Ascension Community,

We pray that your summer has been restful and joyful thus far!

Our new Youth Ministry year begins in August, and we are looking forward to what this year will hold for our youth! The goal of our youth ministry is to provide spiritual formation for our youth and to build lasting relationships with their peers and Christ’s Church. We firmly believe that our youth are a critical part of our community, and are capable of incredible works through God’s grace and love. St. Paul inspires us by writing: “Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity (1 Tim. 4:12). It is our responsibility to open up possibilities for our youth to grow, serve and shine for the light of Christ.

Today our Youth Council is updating our TeamSnap account with updated information for our 2023 - 2024 Ministry Year. This includes updated information for our Youth Ministry Calendar, and, critically, updated information about our youth. Specifically, if your child is aging out of a demographic and moving into the next parea group, then this update will reflect that change. You should find this information updated in your TeamSnap. If not, let us know by responding to this email. If you are new to Ascension Cathedral and would like your child to participate in youth ministry, please reach out to us at and fill out our survey!

We look forward to meeting you and connecting with you!

We extend our thanks to our parish leadership for their support and advocacy for youth ministry, our parents for putting Faith first in their homes, and all of our youth ministers who have stepped forward to make this coming year possible. Be on the lookout for more communication from your child’s youth ministry leads in the coming weeks.

In Christ,

The Ascension Youth Council

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2023, Fundraiser Fr. Nick Mueller 2023, Fundraiser Fr. Nick Mueller

UPDATE: Altar Fundraiser

How lovely is your dwelling place,  O Lord of hosts!

- Psalm 84:1

Beloved Members of Ascension Cathedral,

A few months ago a fundraiser was started by one of the younger members of our community towards renewing appointments in the Holy Altar and the church. This young man offered his own talent – drawing icons – as well as his time out of his love for the church. What is so thoughtful about this prayerful offering of stewardship is that it is in the purpose of the care for and beautification of our church. Our church does not end at the boundaries of 4700 Lincoln Avenue, so when each of these icons goes to a home, or an office, or wherever their destination might be, that little extension of the church becomes all the more sanctified.

Inspired by this fundraiser, another anonymous member of our community has stepped forward to support this good work and is offering a matching contribution towards the funds raised. So, if you have not had the opportunity to commission an icon or to make an offering, please take advantage at this time, particularly before school begins again this fall. When the fundraiser is complete we will announce the total funds raised and how we will apply the funds.

Commission an icon by contacting Johnny here:

Finally, the generosity of this anonymous donor is a reminder that when we do something good we inspire others towards good. A wonderful lesson in-of-itself. We extend our thanks to those who have already commissioned an icon and made a donation.

May we have the intercessions of the saints depicted in these icons, and in particular, St. Lawrence of Megara, a master builder, to guide the care of our church and its grounds.

In Christ,

Fr. Nick Mueller

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Feast of the Ascension, 2023 Fr. Nick Mueller Feast of the Ascension, 2023 Fr. Nick Mueller

Feast of the Ascension 2023

This past Wednesday and Thursday our community celebrated its feast day and welcomed faithful from around the Bay Area and neighboring clergy. His Eminence Metropolitan Gerasimos presided over services, and we were blessed with homilies from Fr. Nebojsa Pantic of St. Nicholas, San Jose and Fr. Aris Metrakos of Holy Trinity, San Francisco. We thank the clergy and members of our sister parishes for joining in the joy of the feast.

On the Feast of the Ascension, following Divine Liturgy, His Eminence Metropolitan Gerasimos elevated Fr. Nick to the office of father confessor.

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Fr. Nick Mueller Fr. Nick Mueller

Update and Thank You from Fr. Tom

Beloved Parishioners of the Ascension Cathedral,

Chronia Polla, may God grant you many years on the celebration of our feast day this past Thursday. Our salvation is fulfilled as our Lord Jesus Christ bodily ascended into heaven to be with His Father and our Father. His bodily ascent foreshadows our ascent into God’s Kingdom at Christ’s second coming.

Beloved Parishioners of the Ascension Cathedral,

Chronia Polla, may God grant you many years on the celebration of our feast day this past Thursday. Our salvation is fulfilled as our Lord Jesus Christ bodily ascended into heaven to be with His Father and our Father. His bodily ascent foreshadows our ascent into God’s Kingdom at Christ’s second coming.

I would like to thank everyone for their prayers, calls, cards, and communications as I recover from surgery. I am improving each day and look forward to serving at the Divine Services very soon.

A huge thank you to our Festival Committee, booth chairmen, bakers, cooks and all our workers and volunteers. This year's Festival was exceptional. Later this year at our General Assembly Meeting we will receive a detailed report as to the results. Another outstanding event, and again thank you to all who helped!

As I communicated a few weeks ago, Fr. Nick will be assuming the leadership of the Cathedral in September. As part of the preparation for this, last year at the December General Assembly meeting two positions were created to assist and fulfill the work of ministry in our community; a full time chanter and a youth director. We are overjoyed to announce that Nektarios Antoniou,  formerly the lead chanter of the Archdiocesan Cathedral in New York, will be joining us in August.  His initial responsibility will be chanting at all the services throughout the week, Sunday Matins and assisting with sacraments and funerals. As we discussed in December, we are asking for a member of our congregation to donate an apartment to the Cathedral to help defray the cost of housing. Any ideas or questions please contact Fr. Nick or me.

May our Lord continue to guide, protect, and inspire our blessed community of the Ascension Cathedral!

In His love,

Fr. Tom

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Fr. Nick Mueller Fr. Nick Mueller

Oakland Greek Festival 2023

Oakland Greek Festival 

May 19-20-21, 2023

The Ascension Greek Orthodox Cathedral invites you to share a multi-faceted experience that tantalizes the senses. Tens of thousands of visitors eagerly gather to sample what life is like in Greece today and to reflect on the impact that ancient Greek civilization has had on our American way of life.


4 p.m.-10 p.m. Friday

11 a.m.-10 p.m. Saturday

11 a.m.-9 p.m. Sunday


Greek Orthodox Cathedral of the Ascension

4700 Lincoln Ave., below Highway 13


Adults $5, Children 12 & under are free.


Single Day $5, Two Day Pass $8,

Weekend Pass $12.


Taking UBER or LYFT to-and-from the festival? Our easy drop-off and pick-up location

is on Lincoln Avenue by the outdoor

elevator next to the garage.

For complete details visit

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Fr. Nick Mueller Fr. Nick Mueller

Leadership Transition Announcement

On Sunday, April 30th His Eminence Metropolitan Gerasimos announced an upcoming transition in the leadership of Ascension Cathedral. Please take a moment to read the following letter from Fr. Thomas Zaferes regarding this transition.

Dear Ascension Cathedral Members,

Christ is risen!

First, my apologies for the issues we had with the live stream service interruption on Sunday morning, especially with the announcement from His Eminence Metropolitan Gerasimos. 

On Sunday morning following Divine Liturgy, His Eminence announced that there will be a change in leadership at Ascension Cathedral. In September of this year, Fr. Nick will assume the role of Proistamenos (head priest) and I will take a supporting role within the community. This decision comes following discussions between His Eminence, Fr. Nick, myself and our Parish Council. His Eminence has been in discussion with the Parish Council about this transition, and has met with them to hear their concerns and questions regarding this important change. Our Parish Council overwhelmingly supports this transition, and are ready to support and facilitate this transition. 

My goal has always been to serve this community and to try to do what is best for the Ascension Cathedral in Oakland. With this in mind, some months ago, Fr. Nick and I discussed his family’s future here. He and Presvytera Dena very much want to serve this community on a long term basis.  Fr. Nick assuming the leadership of our beloved Cathedral is a blessing for our church, and their family looks forward to continuing ministry here. What better scenario than to have a young talented energetic priest with his family to now be our spiritual leader.

I am nearing retirement age, but not quite ready to retire. I want to continue serving this community in any capacity I can as well as to offer support to our Metropolitan and the Metropolis. So, being mindful of the needs of the Church and Ascension Cathedral, this is a logical course of action. We thank His Eminence for his blessing, encouragement and support in discerning these next steps. 

I will be going into hip replacement surgery on May 2nd and will be recovering for a few weeks. During this time, Fr. Nick will be responding to the pastoral and administrative duties of the community. Fr. Nick is the best person to take the lead at Ascension and I look forward to continuing to work with and support him.

We will continue to update the community with more information to follow. For now, let's embrace Father Nick, Presvytera Dena, Symeon, and Elias in our Ascension, Oakland fashion and welcome them home. I also want to assure you that I will continue to support the Cathedral as we continue this journey together.

In His Love,

Fr. Tom

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Fundraiser Fr. Nick Mueller Fundraiser Fr. Nick Mueller

Altar Fundraiser

Purchase an icon crafted by one of parishioners, Johnny Cumbelich, and all proceeds will go to the benefit of maintenance of items used in services and in the Holy Altar.

Purchase an icon crafted by one of parishioners, Johnny, and all proceeds will go to the benefit of maintenance of items used in services and in the Holy Altar.

Orders can be placed by contacting Johnny at

See examples of Johnny’s work below. We thank Johnny for his initiative and offering his artistic talent to the Church!

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