Maui Devastated by Three Concurrent Fires

No doubt as many of us are aware, the island of Maui has been devastated in recent days by fires. We ask that you continue to keep those in Maui in your prayers as well as the members of the mission parish in Maui. If you would like to support the Mission in Maui during this trying time and their relief efforts please follow the link below.

Prayer for Maui

O Lord Our God, Whose peace surpasses all understanding and Whose grace and mercy abound, send down your Holy Spirit to comfort those who are suffering in mind, body, and spirit as a result of the devastating fires in our Metropolis,  and throughout the world.  We ask that You stretch forth Your mighty hand during these days, steadying us by Your love, compassion, and peace. Grant strength to those who are fighting these fires, calm the winds, and open the heavens so that rain may pour forth and cease further destruction. We especially ask for Your blessings and protection upon all those who have fled their homes and livelihood, that they may be spared injury, and that their lives may be preserved. May You, through the intercessions of our Most Holy Lady the Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary whose Dormition we will celebrate, grant peaceful repose to those whose lives have been lost, as well as comfort to those who are grieving. For You are a merciful and loving God, and to You we give Glory, to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, now and forever, and to the ages of ages. Amen. 


Fr. Thomas J. Zaferes 40th Anniversary Celebration


YAL Conference 2023