Weekly Message from Fr. Tom 9/5/20

Dear Parishioners of Ascension Cathedral:

I pray that you and your loved ones are well. Much is happening around us and it is important to take some time to pray and ask our gracious Lord for His peace and love. At the same time pray for those who have suffered loss from the fires, economic hardship, and illness. Let us also pray for peace and understanding in our society and culture. We may not be able to change immediately the larger narrative in our country, but we can affect how we interact with each other. As our Lord instructed, “love on another, as I have loved you” (John 15:12).

Next Sunday, September 13, we are hopeful to be able to offer an outdoor live Divine Liturgy for a limited number of people. An announcement and reservation request will be sent out Monday of next week (9/6). We will follow the same rules we had in place for the brief opening of the Cathedral in July. Everyone will be masked, we will practice social distancing, there will be reservations and a check in table. We will also live stream a Divine Liturgy from inside the Cathedral.

The times will be as follows:

8am Matins (Orthros) in the Cathedral

9:30am Divine Liturgy in the Cathedral

10am Divine Liturgy in the courtyard between the Cathedral and Hall.

Again, a confirmation of the outside Liturgy will be sent out early next week with the guidelines. 

Our Lord’s blessing and peace be with you,

Fr. Tom


Reopening for Outdoor Services Sunday, September 13th