New Youth Ministry Instagram!
Follow our new Youth Ministry Instagram account @ascensionyouthministry!
Keeping up-to-date is tough, so just be reminded as you scroll! You can keep up today with youth and young adult ministry news and events here, and ask questions if you need to know more about an event.
Follow our new Youth Ministry Instagram account @ascensionyouthministry!
Keeping up-to-date is tough, so follow our new account so that you can be reminded as you scroll! Through our new account can keep up today with youth and young adult ministry news and events here, and ask questions if you need to know more about an event.
Post-by-post we hope to fill up your timeline with something better to scroll through!
In Christ,
Fr. Nick
New Series: 8 Dates for Young Married and Engaged Couples
The Metropolis of San Francisco is excited to launch their new fall/winter series for Orthodox Young Married & Engaged Couples!
Join us twice a month beginning October 15 for this wonderful series which is based on John Gottman's book, "8 Dates: Essential Conversations for a Lifetime of Love". This complimentary series will be led by our Metropolis Family Wellness Ministry Team, and will be a beautiful way to strengthen your commitment to one another and to God.
Save the dates, and see you soon!