Youth Ministry, Sunday School Fr. Nick Mueller Youth Ministry, Sunday School Fr. Nick Mueller

Virtual Sunday School Program: A Lenten Journey to Great and Holy Pascha

As we continue through this unique period of the pandemic, we continue to look for opportunities to adapt our youth ministry programs to the current conditions. It is important, as ever, for our families to remain connected to the life of the Church. Many of our families have been missing the consistency and educational opportunity of Sunday School, but we are please to announce that there is a wonderful opportunity our community has been invited to participate in:

“A Lenten Journey to Great and Holy Pascha” is an 11-week virtual youth Religious Education program created by the Orthodox Youth Mentorship Program of Saint Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church, Camarillo (under the direction of Father Gary Kyriacou) and sponsored by the Christian Education Ministry of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of San Francisco.  

All students in the San Francisco metropolis, grades Pre-Kindergarten through 8th grade, may sign up to participate.  This program will cover key themes of the liturgical cycle beginning with the Triodion, continuing into Great Lent, through Holy Week and concluding with Holy Pascha.  A team of volunteer teachers will engage students with lessons, activities, and service projects. 

This program will take place live via Zoom.  High school and college students will participate as mentors and activity leaders.  

The program dates are February 21st through Friday, April 30th.  Virtual classes will meet each Sunday at 12:30 for approximately one hour (slightly less for younger students). The final meeting will take place on Great and Holy Friday (April 30th).   

There is no cost to attend, but registration is required.  The registration deadline is Friday, February 5.
Please contact Program Coordinator Maria Tangalos with any questions:

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Community Events, General Assembly Fr. Nick Mueller Community Events, General Assembly Fr. Nick Mueller

Virtual Parish General Assembly December 13th

Dear Members of Ascension Cathedral,

The Regular Parish Assembly is scheduled for December 13, 2020 after Divine Liturgy, at 1:00 pm.

Due to Covid-19 restrictions this will be held via ZOOM only. If you would like to participate in the General Assembly meeting, please click the link and register. You will be emailed the link for the Zoom, 24 hours before the meeting. As a reminder, only members in good standing are eligible to participate.

If you are receiving this via mail, please email to register. Your attendance and thoughtful input is kindly requested.

Dear Members of Ascension Cathedral, 

The Regular Parish Assembly is scheduled for December 13, 2020 after Divine Liturgy, at 1:00 pm. 

Due to Covid-19 restrictions this will be held via ZOOM only. If you would like to participate in the General Assembly meeting, please click the link and register. You will be emailed the link for the Zoom, 24 hours before the meeting. As a reminder, only members in good standing are eligible to participate. 

If you are receiving this via mail, please email to register. Your attendance and thoughtful input is kindly requested. 


1. Call to Order and Invocation 

2. Election of Parish Assembly Chairman and Parliamentarian 

3. Approval of Minutes of Parish Assembly meeting held on December 8, 2019 4. Priest’s Report 

5. President’s Report 

6. Financial Report 

7. Budget 2021 (enclosed with mailing) 

8. New Business 

a. Clergy Pension Resolution 

9. Adjournment

Anastasios G Konstantin, Parish Council President

Athanasia Yfantis, Parish Council Secretary

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