Community Events, General Assembly Fr. Nick Mueller Community Events, General Assembly Fr. Nick Mueller

Virtual Parish General Assembly December 13th

Dear Members of Ascension Cathedral,

The Regular Parish Assembly is scheduled for December 13, 2020 after Divine Liturgy, at 1:00 pm.

Due to Covid-19 restrictions this will be held via ZOOM only. If you would like to participate in the General Assembly meeting, please click the link and register. You will be emailed the link for the Zoom, 24 hours before the meeting. As a reminder, only members in good standing are eligible to participate.

If you are receiving this via mail, please email to register. Your attendance and thoughtful input is kindly requested.

Dear Members of Ascension Cathedral, 

The Regular Parish Assembly is scheduled for December 13, 2020 after Divine Liturgy, at 1:00 pm. 

Due to Covid-19 restrictions this will be held via ZOOM only. If you would like to participate in the General Assembly meeting, please click the link and register. You will be emailed the link for the Zoom, 24 hours before the meeting. As a reminder, only members in good standing are eligible to participate. 

If you are receiving this via mail, please email to register. Your attendance and thoughtful input is kindly requested. 


1. Call to Order and Invocation 

2. Election of Parish Assembly Chairman and Parliamentarian 

3. Approval of Minutes of Parish Assembly meeting held on December 8, 2019 4. Priest’s Report 

5. President’s Report 

6. Financial Report 

7. Budget 2021 (enclosed with mailing) 

8. New Business 

a. Clergy Pension Resolution 

9. Adjournment

Anastasios G Konstantin, Parish Council President

Athanasia Yfantis, Parish Council Secretary

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Liturgical Services, COVID-19 Fr. Nick Mueller Liturgical Services, COVID-19 Fr. Nick Mueller

Ascension Cathedral Returns to Outdoor Services Sunday 11/22

Sunday services will be held outdoors on Sunday, November 22nd as per Alameda County Guidelines. Please dress warm as we are now approaching the winter season. We will continue having one service starting inside for the live streaming that starts at 8:30am. If you would like to attend live outdoor services on Sunday, that service starts at 10am and finishes by 11:30am.

Sunday services will be held outdoors on Sunday, November 22nd as per Alameda County Guidelines. Please dress warm as we are now approaching the winter season. We will continue having one service starting inside for the live streaming that starts at 8:30am. If you would like to attend live outdoor services on Sunday, that service starts at 10am and finishes by 11:30am.

Please make sure to reserve a spot each week before attending via the instructions below. To comply with county guidelines we are limiting attendance to 80 parishioners, practicing social distancing, and wearing face coverings.

To attend you must reserve your spot using the following link: Reserve your spot for Sunday
Once you fill out the form, you will receive an email confirmation that you are registered. We are also accepting phone call reservations at 510-531-3400, however we encourage you to use the reservation form. Please make your reservations by 4:00 pm Thursday, November 19th.

Your health and safety as well as your spiritual health is our top priority, all the steps we are taking are in consideration of your well being. If you are not feeling well or have health conditions that make you more vulnerable, we ask you to continue to enjoy services from home via the live streaming.

Please click the link for more information about what to expect on Sunday as well as the list of questions you will be asked when you come.

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