Philoptochos Fr. Nick Mueller Philoptochos Fr. Nick Mueller

Philoptochos Christmas Poinsettias

This Nativity Season help decorate our Cathedral, remember your loved ones and assist those in need by donating a poinsettia. You can participate by make a donation of any amount. The funds you donate help cover the cost of the poinsettias and helps the poor in our community. We will be accepting donations through Christmas Eve.

This Nativity Season help decorate our Cathedral, remember your loved ones and assist those in need by donating a poinsettia. You can participate by make a donation of any amount. The funds you donate help cover the cost of the poinsettias and helps the poor in our community. We will be accepting donations through Christmas Eve.

Please click the link to the right to submit names of your loved ones so that they can be remembered by our priests during the Divine Services for Christmas and Epiphany.

Donations can be offered via check or through our parish Venmo account (@ascension-cathedral) noting Poinsettias, or please make checks payable to Ascension Philoptochos, noting Poinsettias in the memo and mail to:

Ascension Philoptochos

4700 Lincoln Ave

Oakland, CA 94602

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