Youth Ministry Fr. Nick Mueller Youth Ministry Fr. Nick Mueller

Kid's Table @ Coffee Hour on Sundays

This summer we’ve set up a dedicated children’s activity and snack table for your kiddos during coffee hour. Enjoy some coffee while meeting other families within our community while the kids explore Orthodox focused activities. Learn more here!

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Kid-Friendly/Family Corner

This summer we’ve set up a dedicated children’s activity and snack table for your kiddos during coffee hour. Enjoy some coffee while meeting other families within our community while the kids explore Orthodox focused activities.

What To Expect: 

  • Orthodox Children's Book, Coloring Pages, Matching Game

  • Arts & Crafts to make Icons and much more

  • Kid Friendly Snacks: Gold Fish, Pretzels, Raisins, Apple Juice, Water etc.

We’d love to make this an ongoing event for children/families, so if you're available and interested in setup/take down please reach out to Mariela Kadow at

This is also a great volunteer opportunity for teens looking to mentor and assist the younger children at the activity table. Please reach out if your teen is interested. 

God Bless,

- Mariela Kadow, Steve (Spouse), Sophia (4.5). James (2.5)

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